10 years ago

Hello, i have form with calendar field and wanna show submitions with selected date only after current date and future. Is is it possible ?

Best Regards!

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148 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

How about in the List & Search >> Search Form >> add the calendar field to the "Hidden" section ... press button #3 (Match + Stage) and in the "Match" column select the appropriate setting from the "Date & Time" group, e.g. "Future (> or =)"

Hope this helps, P

10 years ago
Level 2

Thank you for the idea, for this solution i will need default calendar date to be today date. Did you have any idea how to set default today date in calendar field on search form ?

10 years ago
Level 3

SOLVED! I installed plugin live datetime and set default current date. Thank you!

10 years ago
Level 1

You don't even need that plugin.

You can just enter "now" into the live value field.

See that thread.

A screenshot for the setting can be seen here.

This question has been addressed many times, again for lack of Seblod documentation.

10 years ago
Level 2

Cool! Thank you geeber!

9 years ago
Level 1

I cannot make it work.

Do I need to set the Storage to the Publish_Up table ?

This is what I am currently trying and I have a SQL error.

9 years ago
Level 1


See document attached:

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