13 Posts
10 years ago

Hi Sebloders,

I am having difficulty getting the form redirection to work. I'm using Joomla 3.3.3 and Seblod 3.3.6, on protostar template. I would like users to complete form A and be sent to form B on save.  Menu items (with public access) exist for both forms. I have set Form A to redirect to Form B in the form A configuration setting, but the form will only redirect to itself. 

I've tried setting the redirect to content items, also to url (even external ones) but to no effect. I've altered permissions, no change. I've made completely new forms, with custom fields, no change. I tried a fresh install on a new sub-directory, no change. I tried adding the jquery easy plugin to overcome any conflicts -still no change. Erggghhhh (swears a lot and bangs head on keyboard!).

I'm at a loss, and am beginning to wonder if a bug exists - I noticed the final post in this topic http://www.seblod.com/community/forums/forms-content-types/redirection-to-menu-element-after-form-on-site refers to a similar problem recently. But perhaps I'm missing some vital piece of the puzzle.

Any advice would be appreciated - I'm going to get some fresh air.  Thanks for your support.

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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi wisesiteguy,

It appears that this might indeed be a bug.  There is an issue in the Tracker which might be related. 

As a work around you might have a look at the Button Free.  I just verified that it is working and will do what you want.



13 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Hi Randy,

Thanks for getting back to me. I've spent an hour or two fiddling with the controller.php code but unfortunately can't figure this one out. It really seems like all the redirection options are being ignored and it's defaulting to the original link - any alteration to the code from line 833 - 977 seems to have no effect, unless you typo and the page errors out. My skills are limited so there's only so much I can do by trial and error.  Any clues on when a bug on what seems like an important function like this might get resolved?  In the meantime, I'll keep playing about but off to the office for now! 

13 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Hi again Randy. I have resolved the issue - it turned out to be a conflict with an autologin plugin that I was using that was overriding the Seblod settings with a return to home page. I'll mark this as solved now.

693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3

Hi wisesiteguy,

Thank you for letting us know.  Which autologin plugin is it?

Depending on the type of plugin, reordering the plugins so that SEBLOD is first sometime fixes the issue too.



9 years ago
Level 3

Hello wisesiteguy, could tell what that plugin.

I have the same problem, I need to redirect to a specific page after the form is saved but so far I could not.

Thanks for your help.

9 years ago
Level 4

Hello Junior,

have a look to the tutorial below.

In the same way, you have the variable $config['url'] that you can set as you need for the redirection.



13 Posts
9 years ago
Level 4

The plugin in question was TCVN Auto Login from http://thecoders.vn/joomla-plugins.html. Just for clarity, in my case it was not a conflict - the plugin was poorly configured by me. I'm still using the plugin on the project and it is working fine now.  Hope that helps others.

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