8 years ago

I've just started using SeBlod having come to Joomla from Drupal (D8 mainly).  I like Seblod's concept and it looks like it has huge abilities to make forms to display queries from the database but that later.  I also like how it uses what's in Joomla instead of creating it's own set of things.  I'm starting simple with an article type.  I've researched this but a lot of the information is old and the videos/tutorials don't seem to handle the current version.

I create an article with Seblod article type.  First, I assume the intro text is what is displayed as a teaser which can be expanded if the readme button is clicked.  I only used the full text section of the editor in my article as it's a couple of lines.  The problem I have with a SeBlod article that I don't have with a Joomla article is that I always get a Read More even if I have no intro and don't have enough text to warrant a read me link.  

Is there a way to disable the readme link on an article.  I've seen solutions that require PHP coding and modification of some files (which I don't want to do since they will get overwritten on an update), some mentioned using some conditionals.  What is the recommended and hopefully simple way to disable the  readme link on an article.  I've looked at the form & content type manager, the fields, and more but don't see a way to disable the readme link.


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4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

Which view do you use? Is this seblod list view with seb blog tempalte or joomla blog?

8 years ago
Level 2

I clicked the toolbar Content -> Articles -> New and selected the SeBlod icon (not the standard) which took me to the content tab with two WYSIWIG editor windows. The lower had a title of Full Text, the upper no title.

4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 3


what I'm asking is which view do you use to display articles or in another words - did you use seblod list (as described in manual) or joomla blog to make a menu that leads to this page?

8 years ago
Level 4

This one was a featured item.  I created the Article, checked the featured and then it showed up in the featured area on the home page.

To create the article I went to Content -> Artilces then new and selected the SeBlod document icon.

4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 5

Rather that using joomla featured view, you should use Seblod articles search&list with additional search field "Article featured" with live value set to 1 - this would give you only featured articles.

For Joomla featured viee you need to go to the menu-options tab and set Show "Read More" to No.Then you can create your own Readmore button (you can use text field or button Free field) linked to the content. Using this restriction https://www.seblod.com/store/extensions/19160 you can then conditionally show this button, depending on e.g. whether into is empty or not

8 years ago
Level 6

Okay.  I'll try that and see what happens.  Just starting with SeBlod and there is a lot to learn.  From what I've seen my plan is to use SeBlod for all the work such as articles, etc. but I'm still learning what all the parts of SeBlod are.


8 years ago
Level 6

Okay.  I see now that the Joomla featured items is part of the Home Menu item on the main menu.  Seems strange to tie this to a menu but I guess that's how they can assign the position on the first page (I'm coming from Drupal 8 so I'm learning new ways).

it is not working.  I am displaying the featured items on my home since they are to be new items I want people to see so the Menu is Main Menu and the menu item has a title of Home.  I get a display of all Articles which rihgt now is the about and test pages (articles).  About is a standard Joomla Article and is not featured while Test is a Seblod article and is featured.

I go into the Home item on the Main Menu and under details I select Menu item Type of SeBlod -  List & Search.  Then I select articles for Details -> Search Type (list).

On the Advanced tab I set:

Alternative  Search Type: Inherited, not sure what that does or where I would need it ( I tried Articles, Category but none worked)

URL Query(Vars) I set to "Article featured"=1 as you had (with/without quotes) but that did not work.  I'm not sure what you mean by "additional search field "Article featured" with live value set to 1".  Do I actually have to create a new list and search  type and add fields to it or do I just use the?

To get rid of the Menu title on the page 

I set a custom title under options - Show title, custom (add class as desired)

On Page Display I set Show Page Heading No which gets rid of the Home page displayed in the list.

Thanks again.

7 years ago
Level 6

I spent quite a bit of time and created a new List & Search Type called "Featured Articles" and got it setup with a hidden search on the Article featured field with Live Value set to 1 and I list the title and full text. Works great.

Now to see if I can avoid having to use the home item on the Main Menu for this and see if I can just add it to a position but maybe that's just how Joomla works.

I really like the power SeBlod gives me. The ability to create these forms without needed to do PHP programming (more maintenance overhead) and to set CSS classes on so many things is really much better than Drupal 8 had in many of it's areas.

How do I add my css setups to the Variation list for the Item fields display?

Thanks again.

4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 7


you can change home menu link to any component and view you want https://docs.joomla.org/Help36:Menus_Menu_Item_Manager_Edit - jsut select Seblod and Search&list here instead of the default featured articles.

For variations see attached manual

7 years ago
Level 8

I found the variations information late last night.  Very nice.

Thanks.  I now have the List & Search Type I created as my home page menu item and it works great.

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