8 Posts
8 years ago

HI all

i have question about Seblod it's possible to have a form to create list of client for exemple (with logo, url and name ...) and after on other form (exemple: manufacturer datasheat) include the data of first form on this news form in multi selection list ?

i need to create a list with each data format ul - li /li /ul

it's possible on Seblod to create this structure ?

Sorry for my bad english im french ;)

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4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

Did you have somehting like this in mind?

8 Posts
8 years ago
Level 2

Hi Klas

Actualy i use static html page for each manufacturer, like this model for article and this for categories

manufacturers can be assigned to different categories.

each manufacturer specifications I have to be able to view:

  • + Videos + vignette title (mp4 local storage)
  • PDF documentation
  • Software list
  • Products (image + description)
  • customers

for exemple a customer can be assign to different manufacturer

I started on Seblod and the component is really powerful only I encounter difficulties to format the result of the data, if you observe static html source code I used beacoup lists ul li and I wonder if I can use the fields X or group X to create duplicable li elements

I created different forms, one for manufacturers items another to manage clients.

the idea I had is simple to build a model or form fields and then the result is filled is formatted to create the equivalent of static html.

I followed the excellent tutorials on youtube James Morrell on custom templating 

I use Joomla 3.5.1 + 3.8 Seblod and some addons not working I have error messages on WAMP locally

I would use Dynamic CheckBox in the Manufacturer form to select customers Articles but i have an error (screen capture)

Sorry for my lot of questions and my bad english and thank you so much for your help


4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 3

You can use this typography plugin to output fieldX as list


For Dynamic CheckBox - this is not an error, just a harmless message about coding standards, you just need to set your error reporting in Joomla to a lower value.

8 Posts
8 years ago
Level 4

Thx you Klas

i try this

8 Posts
8 years ago
Level 5

Hi Klas

i have problem to build my app this is my actual concept

I have 2 forms, 1 for Fabricants (manufacturer) and 1 for Clients

Fabricant is the datasheet for each manufacturer include lot of informations: 

  • Videos
  • Products
  • Documentation
  • Download
  • Clients

This is my admin form for Fabricants (manufacturers) in Clients Tab i want possibility to select different clients from clients form

Actulaly i have use Dynamic CheckBox

But i have just possibility to display name or just 1 information not a complex html layout (logo + url + name)

This is the result of page in frontend

For Manage and Create Clients i have second Form

Simple form to add logo + url and name

3 fields are hidden and i use Groupe X with HTML typography

This code for create and format the result logo + title clickable 

The Clients page for testing result work fine :)

But I have a problem how to have the same result in the manufacturer page to view the customer as in the above customer page?

How to effectively connect the 2 forms and feed manufacturers pages Is what I am on the right track? What is the right method?

How effectively contruire html struture block using different fields and controllable by other option other form?

I bought some plugin on the store but I have difficulty to understand their operation

Im newer on Seblod and im very sorry for my bad english Seblod is very power full :)

Thank you so much for your help !!!


4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

Sorry, but I can only give you general directions, you need to do actual implementations yourself. If you need help with that you can use Seblod services

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