7 years ago

I have a content view (a request from an user), and below I have the quotes for that request. 

What I want now is to put a form only with two fields (Expiring Date and Value) and a button to save this information. It's possible?

All the other fields should ben added automatically (request_id, date, category). The list with the quotes should be refreshed so, we can see that new quote.

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1283 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1


So what values are in your url for content view?

catid? id? etc... 

if not the values you need then you can grab values from the content view using a paid plugin/field:

SD live CCK 

If using a module to show the form, you can change fields to hidden/clear etc from there

That help?

7 years ago
Level 2

In the url I have the ID (article id). So, can I use a module to show that form?

1283 Posts
7 years ago
Level 3


I probably replied without thinking this morning. 

The module needs the live values to be hard coded, but the benefit of the module is that you can alter the fields as hidden or clear etc

Using a module and SD live CCK would be best but maybe others known better or have other ideas

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