10 years ago
I have created a "xyz" content type based on user object. I have enabled the user - article bridge plugin and everything works ok. I can register "xyz" users , emails are sent etc. But when i try to edit such a user from the frontend (via the "btn-default dropdown-toggle" button of the article) i get the following error. I have checked permissions for xyz content type for the super user and everything is allowed. What could i be doing wrong? Thank you in advance.
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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi Darkidas,

You did not post the error, but it sounds like you have a user rights issued.  Have you defined a user group with viewing access level that does not include a Super User?  If the plugin is disabled, does that change anything?



10 years ago
Level 2
You are absolutely right Randy, sorry about that. Here is the error " 403 - You are not permitted to use that link to directly access that page (#559). "
  I have not messed up with groups (all default there) and when i tried to disable the plugin, the profile was not found at all ( HTTP Error 500)  . Thanks a lot.
4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3

this error does not directly indicate permissions problem, this is related to the "clickflow" and usually means you need to login and go to list pages first (haven't seen this error on the frontpage myself, it usually happens in administration if you go to e..g article edit page without going to article manager first), so my guess is editing form does not get some required values from session.

Have you tried if it works with default seblod user content type?
10 years ago
Level 4
Sorry for the delay. Yes i have tried to use the default user content type but again the same error. And this only happens when trying to edit "user object related" content types from the front end. All other content types i can edit without problem
10 years ago
Level 4
I have found something else that maybe will help you understand what is going on. When a custom user is registered-created , the associated article has that user as owner. If i log in with that user's credentials and i try to edit his profile , i get another error ( Edit not permitted)! If i try to edit the users - articles as super user the site seems to be broken and i get the message "403 - You are not permitted to use that link to directly access that page (#559)".
The "edit not permitted" error seems to be seblod related. The other one seems like a core joomla error as the page(template) is broken 
4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

you need to go to the configuration->Site tab and disable edit button. Then you need to add FreeText Edit field to your search type, click on 2 (typography) and change Link to Form.
10 years ago
Level 2
Thanks for your answer.Unfortunately that solution messes up with the other edit buttons the site uses. It would work if i could disable the edit button only for my user content type.
4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3

don't think this is possible directly, what you could do is:
a) do the reverse, add seblod edit button to the rest of your content types
b) as this button is output by Joomla, not Seblod, you can create an output template override for joomla article edit template and disable this button based on category id there http://docs.joomla.org/Understanding_Output_Overrides
9 years ago
Level 4

Hello Klas,

I tried to follow your lastest post but didn't really understood. On the other hand, I don't have the exact same error message. Insstead I have: 


Check-out failed with the following error:"

No more than that! No number no nothing. I don't have a clue, do you?



9 years ago
Level 5


Have you checked content type permissions ? Have you tried with different user group (registered, super user) ?

I've attached some tutorial links to let  you check nothing has been missed in your configuration.


9 years ago
Level 6

Hi Olivier,

Thanks for the answer. 

I followed the articles and did not have to change anything - it all seems ok. No user can edit any user, not even Superuser!? Please login with SEBLOD, Octopoos at http://www.westhed.com and see the error. This user is Manager, Administrator and Publisher.


9 years ago
Level 7

Please, anyone have some ideas what to do. It doesn't matter what rights the user have when I log in to Front End. It still says: "Error Check-out failed with the following error:" (no other info about the error!) when I try to edit a user article.


1283 Posts
9 years ago
Level 8

Hi Rippe...

I'm not offering help as I have no idea :(

However, did you find a solution, or gain a greater understanding of the issue?



9 years ago
Level 9

Hello Jon, 

Ni, I'm afraid I didn't. Eventually I switched to another extension that worked much better and had better support. I'm sorry but that's how I feel guys. In the beginning the answers came in fast, but all of the sudden I felt forgotten. I'm not sure the name of the extension but it could have been "K2"... I tried a lot of extensions

1283 Posts
9 years ago
Level 10


Well, I'm glad you got it sorted. I

Despite your negative experience with Seblod...Any top 5 Seblod tips?

No harm in asking eh ;)

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