56 Posts
11 years ago


I use Seblod approx for 2 Month and it's amazing! :-)

And now my Question:


1. I create two Forms & Content Types. One with text and one with text and image

2. I create an Article with the Content Type text and image.

3. Later i want to change the Article from Content Type[text and image] to Content Type[text]

It's possible to do that?

Note: This is an minimum Example. I know that i could setup a switch to remove the picture.
          It's a general Question: It is possible switch between content type in article?

Thanks for one of the best cck ;-)


M. Reese

Get a Book for SEBLOD
11 years ago
Level 1

Hi mrits,

Thank you.

It's possible if your fields are "commons". That means if you use text and image field with a custom storage or standard storage with the unlock on the content type (to build common standard storage field). In this case by changing direclty in your edition link the value of the content type and then save again you can switch of content type.

Very often you have at least the title which is common because a Joomla field.

If no common field, you can not.


56 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2

Hello Bes,

Thanks for quick reply. 

But i think, that's not, what i searching for :-S
If i switch on "Edit Link (Alternative) " there is a link Edit(Legacy)  in the article view(Joomla!3).

And i search for something like:

  • Edit(Legacy)
  • Edit(text and image)
  • Edit(text)

To switch an existing Article to an other content type if i want. 


The article exists in (text and image).

Click on Edit(text) the image will not longer exists in the Article.

Hope that helps :-)


11 years ago
Level 3

Yes, but what I said still required about common field.. After that you require just a more easy way to transform one content with content type X into a content with content type Y without changing the link by hand (have a try with this method). Your need is very specific and not planned to add this in the short menu displayed on each item.


9 years ago
Level 4

No offence, but this CCK is a piece of cupcake. I've lost time with my kid working through the bugs because of how watermelon this piece of garbage is. If you are reading this and considering SEBLOD, take a look at their "support", which is essentially "oh we don't know, you'll have to figure it out".

Edited by moderator: Curse words replaced with the names of random food. Be critical if you like, but please don't swear on the forum.

572 Posts
9 years ago
Level 5


You are entitled to your opinion of SEBLOD, but please respect others' right to have their opinions too. The author of this thread clearly stated "I use Seblod approx for 2 Month and it's amazing! :-)"

This is a warning to please not use profanities on this forum, or dig up old posts which you have no constructive input to. If you proceed like this you will be removed from the forum.


9 years ago
Level 6

Thank you for taking the time to edit my post, but not actually provide any support.

I wouldn't have this opinion if your "CCK" didn't wipe out weeks worth of work. 

Why don't you tell me how I can fix hundreds of articles that now display ::cck:: because I did the simple act of "copying" them to another category.

9 years ago
Level 7

Hi ntomkin,

It's enough! It's not because you don't understand and don't have the right knowledge to answer you need that you need to be rude, spamming the forum. There is no official support on free product but the support of the community.

All your posts like this will be deleted.


9 years ago
Level 8

Yeah, delete my posts so other people can go through this, and then not be able to spend time with their family. You know, because your ego will be harmed by keeping this post.

"There is no official support on free product but the support of the community." <-- Not something you hear in the WordPress community.

9 years ago
Level 9

Your account has been block.

You have just don't understand what's free software. Yes, SEBLOD require some knowledge and is not a tool to use in his garage or in "family"! 

So easy to cry when you participate to nothing and pay nothing. The true life is not like this!

9 years ago
Level 10

I do understand about free software. I'm just telling you, I've never seen such handwringing of the huge issues with this CCK. You can delete my posts, and block my account for being critical, but everyone will know you're censoring facts. I can understand not wanting swearing, but if you're deleting posts because they don't pat you on the back, that's just wrong.

"So easy to cry when you participate to nothing and pay nothing. The true life is not like this!"

I agree. Except, don't you offer paid support? And have I not read from a bunch of people you still aren't properly supporting them? Your point is moot when PAID customers are getting the same service as the unpaid ones. 

Software development is hard, so if you're going to take a run at releasing open source code, you might want to occasionally actually fix it, otherwise it just seems like you want all the credit when it goes good, but delete posts when it goes bad.

572 Posts
9 years ago
Level 11


We are not censoring your "facts". We are censoring your profanities and offensive language. This will not be tolerated on our forum. If you articulate an issue you have with SEBLOD without using these words, we will not delete them - and we have a good track record of letting these sorts of posts remain published on our form. For example you can see here - . If you spam our forum with constant negative messages about the product, we will start to delete them because it's not a constructive thing for the community. If you have a specific issue though, you are free to post it and receive help from the community about it. That is fine. But if you repeat multiple complaints about how bad you think our product is, then, you are free to go elsewhere. We are sad to see that SEBLOD has not helped someone, but on the other hand - you can't win them all!

You are right, we do offer paid support. But you don't pay for support. So what's your issue? If a user is not happy with the service we provide as support for what they have paid for, we work it out and come to an agreement with that user. Please don't try and be a hero and talk on behalf of people who are perfectly capable of talking for themself. We listen to our valued customers feedback and address the issues with them.

Thirdly, I think it's obvious you have absolutely no idea about Open Source Software Development. Our project is on GitHub, and it is Open Source released with a GPLv2 license. This means that anyone is free to download it, use it and share it with others. People are also free to submit fixes for issues themselves. In any case, there are currently only 12 open issues on GitHub, 3 of which are more 'feature requests'... So I think your comment is a bit misguided about lots of things needing to be 'fixed'.

Finally. You say you've used SEBLOD for a month, and had lots of issues, yet your account had 4 forum posts, of which a majority were just complaints. Where are your requests for help? Where are your posts entitled "I've encountered this error... does anyone know a solution"? They do not exist. So please don't be shocked when you haven't received any help or support.. because you have not asked for it in a respectful manner.

By the way, here's a screenshot of our "terrible support". 3.5% unsolved issues on our VIP forums.


9 years ago
Level 12

>> You are right, we do offer paid support. But you don't pay for support. So what's your issue?

Why would I pay for something that I can clearly see has no benefit? Like most people, I research before I buy – and so far nothing I've read supports anything you are saying. 

>> Please don't try and be a hero and talk on behalf of people who are perfectly capable of talking for themself. We listen to our valued customers feedback and address the issues with them.

I'm not trying to be a hero. I'm frustrated because I see countless forum posts on here with NO response to pretty common issues. I would list them all, but then I'd probably just be referencing 80% of the forum posts. Take a look, you'll see LOTS of unanswered posts – from paid and unpaid users. It's just ridiculous that I even have to point that out. I can't understand how you can defend something that is clearly false by just going to the forum's main page and clicking on virtually ANY thread.

>> Thirdly, I think it's obvious you have absolutely no idea about Open Source Software Development. Our project is on GitHub, and it is Open Source released with a GPLv2 license. This means that anyone is free to download it, use it and share it with others. People are also free to submit fixes for issues themselves.

Do you know why someone might choose your software over writing their own? BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE THE TIME TO POST FIXES. What kind of nonsense response is this? 

>> Finally. You say you've used SEBLOD for a month, and had lots of issues, yet your account had 4 forum posts, of which a majority were just complaints. Where are your requests for help? Where are your posts entitled "I've encountered this error... does anyone know a solution"? They do not exist. So please don't be shocked when you haven't received any help or support.. because you have not asked for it in a respectful manner.

Again, I do research, and I already saw many people having the same issues I was having – with (wait for it) unanswered posts. Why would I add my post to the heap of unanswered posts? There's a dude who wrote a plugin to circumvent how poorly this component was written. That's a fact. Another guy wrote a long blog post on how to get rid of SEBLOD from Joomla. Those kinds of things don't happen because you're amazing at support. They come as a result of having no other options.

572 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1
  1. I've posted a pic above of our premium support forums. If you post on the community forum it's for the community to help eachother, not the publishers of SEBLOD to answer. Sometimes we do, but it should not be expected.
  2. See above
  3. Because a fix can take 5 minutes and SEBLOD has taken 6 years to develop?
  4. Please show me the posts that you personally have made (not someone else) where you have asked a question in a respectful manner, that wasn't answered. But, as I've said above. COMMUNITY FORUM = COMMUNITY SUPPORT.
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