30 Posts
10 years ago


Mon site tourne depuis un moment, c'est un formulaire que les utilisateurs remplissent et à la fin upload leur ticket de caisse.

Quand je fais des test, avec le compte admin ou leur compte, cela fonctionne correctement, je reçois un mail récapitulatif que j'ai personnalisé ainsi que ce document (le ticket de caisse).

Cependant, depuis que les utilisateurs utilisent le site, je n'ai reçu aucun document (le ticker de caisse). Je les ai appellé et demandé s'ils avaient mis ce ticket de caisse et m'ont affirmer que Oui. J'ai donc été voir sur le serveur et effectivement ils sont bien présent, ils ont donc été uploadé sur le serveur mais pas envoyer en pièce jointe du mail.

Quand je fais les test, je reçois bien ces fichiers, sauf 1 ou 2 exeptions. Je ne comprend pas du tout d'ou cela peut venir, avez vous une idée ?

EDIT : Ok donc j'en suis pratiquement sure a 100% cela arrive quand le fichier est envoyé la première fois. Si je le renvoi une seconde fois ou plus, le fichier est bien envoyé en pièce jointe du mail. Cependant je ne sais pas comment faire pour qu'au premier envoi du fichier il soit bien dans le mail en même temps !



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10 years ago
Level 1

I don´t know if if understood you correctly over google translate but maybe you have a permission issue? Have you checked the settings in the content type? 

30 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2


I will try in english then :)

To resume, the first file upload with my website seems to upload the file one the server correctly, but the file is not attached to the mail.

If i restart a new form with the same file, then he is attached to the mail. So the first try fail and i receive a mail without attachment. But next with the same file it's ok.

According to this, i don't think it's a permission issue ? Because with user account, it's the same probleme and it's work the second time, and even with super admin account. I guess the first time, the form upload the file on the server, but in the same time, the mail try to attach the file from the server but that file is not yet uploaded... Can we upload the file first and then send the form and the mail ? On attachment form configuration, i have Folded by user : No  : 0755

Hope you understand me,

Best regards,


10 years ago
Level 3

I can imagine, that it´s not possible to upload and send at the same time. So maybe try to create a multipage form and send the email at the end. Here is a great tutorial from James Morell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFf4jsvf8B4.

30 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Yeah i assume it's the problem.

But even multipage, i actually can't use that for my website and it won't resolve the problem i guess.

I need that when you select a file, it automatically upload it on the server, or with a button save (i triied this but don't work, or i don't know it can work)

Do you have any idea ? i can't be the only one with this problem of direct mail attachment

30 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

OOOOK, probleme solved !! Thanks Randy, i saw that on a random post few years ago lol :

The trick is to make sure that the email field is at the bottom of the Content Type.  Yeahh i had my field email before the attachment, so when you submit, he send mail before the file is uploaded ! 

Bye ;)

10 years ago
Level 1

Hi Noboday,

We are happy that you found a solution. just one point, if you have a solution please set as solved the topic you send.


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