7 Posts
6 years ago


my user(s) can edit a frontend form, though they are not allowed to. Maybe I have done wrong, or it is a bug.

The users who should be allowed to edit the category articles and eventually articles in it, are structured in groups with standard 'author' group as parent, example-name editor-cat1.

I have one Seblod form 'form-cat' for category. Some categories are created. lets say, they are called cat1 and cat2. Users in the group 'editor-cat1' shall be allowed to edit all contents of cat1, but not cat2. A lot of articles are managed in each of the categories.

I have another Seblod form 'form-art' for articles in the categories from form-cat.

So now what I have tried so far to allow users from editor-cat1 group to edit cat1 articles and NOT cat2 articles,

Try one:

  1. allowed editor-cat1 group to edit contents inside category cat1 via direct permission editing (via Seblod core fieldgroup set to backend form)
  2. integrated user into editor-cat1 group
  3. result: user can not edit contents, though Joomla! php routine says he is authorised to do so, but when I do click on the edit button an error message appears 'You are not allowed to access this resource.' 

Try two:

  1. allowed editor-cat1 group to edit contents inside seblod form form-art and form-cat via Seblod content type permissions
  2. allowed editor-cat1 group to edit contents inside category cat1 via permissions inside the form of cat1
  3. forbid editing of cat2 
  4. result: user is allowed to edit all contenttypes form-art, though Joomla default buttons for 'edit' disappeared. If I have an own edit button, the button is always visible and opens the frontend form on click, so user is allowed to edit all contents - which is not the intended right for this particular user.

Do I have done wrong? Do you need some screenshots or some more informations?

Thanks in advance.

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4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1

Seblod does not apply category permissions by default, see manuals

7 Posts
6 years ago
Level 2

Thanks, Klas.

Though I do wonder a little bit why these restriction exists, respectively why permissions are disrespected in forms, I will remember on it in future works.

I do need a redirection if restriction->state = 1, please note hereby the redirect plugin is not working as expected / documented. Tested on Joomla! 3.8.2, Seblod etc. all latest. It does nothing on forms (both, application and js-way), maybe on contents, what I did not check.

I do not need this extension to redirect unpermissioned users, so thank you very much for your solving points. 

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