9 years ago


Just want to say thanks for such a great tool. I've been using Drupal for many years and have inherited a joomla site to manage. It's been really difficult until I discovered seblod. Now I can build websites the way I've done in Drupal. In fact I can ditch a load of extensions and modules and pull all these disparate elements in joomla together to make managing and editing the site much easier. So, many many thanks for all your hard work!

I've got the gist of seblod, but there are a few small issues I'd like to address, for which I'll post separately.

First things first: I've noticed an unusual issue with the Page Title since installing seblod. All my articles now have the article ID in the page title and appear to use the title alias instead of the title, and the site name information is no longer included. This was not the case previously.


[5] article-title-alias-text

instead of

Article Title - Site Information

Any ideas where the issue is coming from? I can't see any settings to change.

Many thanks

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572 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Hi there!

Great to hear this feedback from a Drupal user. Welcome to SEBLOD.

Are you using the core Article Title field in your content items? If you aren't, I think you will need to explicitly specify which field should be used for the Page Title. This can be done in SEBLOD when you are in the Content View of your Content Type, and click on "Configuration". There is a field there called "Override Title" here you put the name of your field (the version with no spaces - i.e. Field Name should be field_name).

That should do the trick!



9 years ago
Level 2

Hi James

Many thanks. I am using the core Article Title field in my content type, however changing the setting as per your reply has no effect whatsoever on the display output. I've tried changing it to different field names with no success.

Surely though that will only affect the page title in the H2 heading? What I want is to change the title in the <head>.

I'm not convinced that seblod is totally controlling the output of the article. When I'm logged in I'm seeing some article info stuff (author, category, published & hits) on my article pages. I can't see where that may be coming from. Admittedly I'm new to joomla, so might be missing something really obvious!

9 years ago
Level 1

This was an issue with SH404SEF which was sorted by disabling that extension.

1283 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Hi offthehookdesign

First if all, kudos for coming from Drupal and jumping straight in to a challenge with a different cms that you have not used before. I've tried Drupal and it was too much for me (views, rules and panels beat me to submission). 

Anyway, how are you managing your sef url's? With Seblod? Joomla's Sef url's? Is that enough? or do you still have to do some tweaking? 



9 years ago
Level 2

Hi bucklash

Yeah I really struggled with the Joomla concept at first, but SEBLOD is allowing me to do things in a more 'drupal' manner! In fact SEBLOD does pretty much what views and panels do for Drupal, albeit in a different way. In my current project I'm planning to replace K2, SobiPro, Jomsocial and Jevents with SEBLOD apps, so that content editing is all in one place and more consistent and easier for editors to manage.

Core SEFs are actually okay, although a bit limiting in what you can do with them. I'm able to use the SEBLOD options to alter them to do what I want for my current project, so I'm very happy with that, but if Joomla ever gets the ability to completely customise SEFs like you can in Drupal then it's going to be a major step forward.

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