548 Posts
7 years ago

Hi guys, 

here a good Tutorial on How to manage field storage.

The four default Seblod Forms & Content Types: Article / Category / User / User Group, were always been "Padlock closed" by default.

Now, istalling a new fresh Seblod 3.13.0 I discover, as far as I saw, that the User Seblod Form & Content Type is been switched to "Padlock opened" by default. Isn't it ?

So, I'd like to know and understand more about this decision to change, Please, Why ? 

On my sites I'm used to use the standard User Seblod and modify it a little bit for my needs (not creating a new User Form Content Type). Please, Is it possible switch from closed to open on User Form Content Type yet in use ?

All opinions, suggestions, are welcome !

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1283 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1


My suggestion is to create two fields :

one padlock locked

the other padlock unlocked. 


check them out in #__cck_core_fields.  

I head in to this table and change fields quite often as it can be quicker and means  you don't have to delete a field if you change your mind on the storage options. 

If you do change the storage you must remember to delete the field in the db that will not be used anymore. this ensures you don't get confused later on when you wonder 'what the hell is that field for?'

The field in the new table can be created by you but it is easier to head back to the Seblod UI and save the field. This creates the field/column in the db for you. 

548 Posts
7 years ago
Level 2

Hi Bucklash, 

I appreciate too much your answer, but iìm not able to understand your suggestion to create two fields.

Adn, in special, please, What do you mean with "I head in to this table and change fields quite often as it can be quicker and means you don't have to delete a field if you change your mind on the storage options" ?

My questions were:

  1. Istalling a new fresh Seblod 3.13.0 the User Seblod Form & Content Type is been switched to "Padlock opened" by default. Isn't it ?
  2. Why Seblod decided to switch the User Seblod Form & Content Type from "Padlock closed" to "Padlock opened"  ?
  3. Is it possible switch from Padlock closed to Padlock open on User Form Content Type I'm yet using ?
1283 Posts
7 years ago
Level 3



Not sure I've noticed that, not able to check at minute. 




The way I read what you have written is you make it sound like the padlock is for the content type.  Even though the padlock is in the 'View' area, it does actually relate to the 'Field' area, and only applies to the very next field you create. 

Press the padlock to the desired setting ie locked, and then create new field.  

... so when you create two fields, you can compare the differences by comparing the two padlock options

.... sometimes you might decide to have a field as available only to a particular content type, but later decide you want it available for all objects (ie article) you can change the storage in #__cck_core_fields effectively making the padlock unlocked.  

548 Posts
7 years ago
Level 4

Hi Bucklash, many thanks, So:

- Old Seblod installation upgraded to 3.13.0 (3.14.0) = The four default Seblod Forms & Content Types: Article / Category / User / User Group, were always been "Padlock closed" by default - Going into User Form Content Type > click to Padlock open > Save and Close (Saved ok) > the new set "Padlock opened" is not Saved, It is still Padlock closed. Is it a bug ? Or it's okay ?

- New fresh Seblod 3.13.0 (3.14.0) = The User Seblod Form & Content Type is been switched to "Padlock opened" by default (only that) - Going into User Form Content Type > click to Padlock close > Save and Close (Saved ok) > the new set "Padlock closed" is not Saved, It is still Padlock opened. Is it a bug ? Or it's okay ?

Please,if is not a bug, Where can I manually switch to "Padlock opened" definitively by default into the Seblod User Forms & Content Types ?

Now, as far as I understand, doesn't mind if the Padlock by default is opened or closed, when creating a new field it take the padlock as I set in that moment and save it into the #_cck_core_fields table, Right ?

And, as you explained: "...sometimes you might decide to have a field as available only to a particular content type, but later decide you want it available for all objects (ie article) you can change the storage in #__cck_core_fields effectively making the padlock unlocked". So, again, doesn't mind if I created that field as "closed" or "opened", I can change it directly in the DB into the #_cck_core_fields table, Right ?

PS @Seblod Team or who knew / understood it. Anyway I'd like to know Why Seblod decided to switch the User Seblod Form & Content Type default setting from "Padlock closed" to "Padlock opened" ?

1283 Posts
7 years ago
Level 5


Yes, I have just noticed that:

  1. USER content type has the padlock as OPEN.
  2. ARTICLE content type has the padlock as CLOSED

I doubt it is a bug.

Now, as far as I understand, doesn't mind if the Padlock by default is opened or closed, when creating a new field it take the padlock as I set in that moment and save it into the #_cck_core_fields table, Right ?


In USER content type:

  1. Padlock OPEN, create field, then the data will be stored in #__cck_store_item_users
  2. Padlock CLOSED, create field, then the data will be stored in #__cck_store_form_my_content_type

  • OPEN means field is available for the OBJECT ie USER
  • CLOSED means field is available for that CONTENT TYPE ONLY

I can change it directly in the DB into the #_cck_core_fields table, Right ?

And also the table that the data gets stored in. If it has data then your stuffed :)

548 Posts
7 years ago
Level 6

Hi Bucklash, 

many thanks!

@Seblod Team or who knew / understood it: if is not a "bug", Please:

I'd like to know Why Seblod decided to switch the User Seblod Form & Content Type default setting from "Padlock closed" to "Padlock opened" ?

Where can I manually switch to "Padlock opened" definitively by default into the Seblod User Forms & Content Types ?

4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

There is no setting for this, I guess this is related to this in 3.13 changelog:

^ Back-end UI improved: Fields' Storage.

548 Posts
7 years ago
Level 2

Hi Klas,

What do you mean with "there is no setting for this" ?

- Old Seblod installation upgraded to 3.13.0 (3.14.0) = The four default Seblod Forms & Content Types: Article / Category / User / User Group, were always been "Padlock closed" by default - Going into User Form Content Type > click to Padlock open > Save and Close (Saved ok) > the new set "Padlock opened" is not Saved, It is still Padlock closed. I suppose it shoud save the setting, Is it a bug ? Or it's okay ?

- New fresh Seblod 3.13.0 (3.14.0) vice versa = The User Seblod Form & Content Type is been switched to "Padlock opened" by default (only that) - Going into User Form Content Type > click to Padlock close > Save and Close (Saved ok) > the new set "Padlock closed" is not Saved, It is still Padlock opened. I suppose it shoud save the setting, Is it a bug ? Or it's okay ?

I like to follow always the Seblod standards default. Please, if is not a bug, Where can I manually (also in into the DB) switch to "Padlock opened" definitively by default into the Seblod User Forms & Content Types ?

4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 3

There is no option to set the default, it is set by javacript.

548 Posts
7 years ago
Level 4

Hi Klas, 

so, you are telling me that there is no way to set, saving the Form & Content Type, the Padlock opened and or closed, right ?

Okay, but:

- New fresh Seblod 3.13.0 (3.14.0) vice versa = The three default Seblod Forms & Content Types: Article / Category / User Group are "Padlock closed", The User is "Padlock opened".

Is it right ? Is the behaviour expected from the SEBLDO team to have the User Seblod Form & Content Type is been switched to "Padlock opened" by default ?

If no, this is a "bug".

- Old Seblod installation upgraded to 3.13.0 (3.14.0) = The four default Seblod Forms & Content Types: Article / Category / User / User Group are "Padlock closed"

If the previous question is "Yes", this is a "Bug". After the upgrade the User Content Form should be "Padlock opened", no ?!?

Anyway, How can I manually switch to "Padlock opened" definitively by default the Seblod User Forms & Content Types ?

4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 5


new behaviour is correct to match existing fields in user content type that were all created with paddlock open. 

If you really need to change the default you can manually change value in the locked column in the #__cck_core_types database. 

548 Posts
7 years ago
Level 6

Hi Klas, 

many thanks, changed and solved.

"new behaviour is correct to match existing fields in user content type that were all created with paddlock open" = I'm agree with the Seblod Team decision

1283 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

I hunk new way makes sense

How many user content types are you going to make? 1?

So really, padlock or not padlock, makes no difference really. 

How many article contenttypes are you going to make, a lot more than 1, so padlock closed makes sense so that fields are relative to the content type as a default 

548 Posts
7 years ago
Level 2

Hi Bucklash, 

I appreciate too much your explanation, many thanks! 

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