32 Posts
10 years ago

Hello, me again ...

I can not save a form when I'am on frontend, nothing happens after the "submit". No data is stored in the database. I have set the rights for the public to create content. The form in the backend works perfectly.

When I check the js with the console, I have this error : 

ReferenceError: JCck is not defined
Fichier Source : http://monsite.fr/index.php?option=com_cck&view=form&layout=edit&type=contact

If someone has an idea, I do not see where to look.

Configuration : Joomla 3.3.3 and Seblod 3.3.7 (I use Gantry, but the problem is the same with Beez)


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32 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1


I just found the source of all my problems: scriptdown plugin!
I had totally forgotten that I had installed, I think I'll have to move to the top some JS and others so that everything works. By disabling everything is back in order. I will sharpest setting this plugin after.




je viens de trouver la source de tous mes problèmes : le plugin scriptdown !
j'avais totalement oublié que je l'avais installé, je pense qu'il va falloir que je remonte certain JS et quelques autres afin que tout fonctionne. 

En le désactivant tout est rentré dans l'ordre. Je ferai le paramétrage plus pointu de ce plugin après.


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