42 Posts
11 years ago

Ahoy @ all!

Umm, i feel a little bit like an complete idiot and maybe I even am one actually, but I'd just like to find out why at least.

Joomla! 2.5.14
Seblod 3.1.4
Me: Seblod-Newbie

Main reason for me to use wonderful Seblod is the multisite feature. Works fine so far. But then I wanted to start adding normal content articles. So i was in backend, "content" -> "Article Manager" and there the Icon "New" in the Top Ribbon.

Of course I'm asked to "Select a Form" or to "click here to create a Standard Joomla! Content". But no matter on what I click actually, it brings me always to the Seblod form and not to the standard joomla form for articles.

Even when I disable the Seblod form for articles it doesnt show the standard joomla form for articles - it aske me to chose from the forms where none are shown or to "click here to create a Standard Joomla! Content". And when I click on "click here" it shows no form at all, just an error message:

"Oops! Content Type not found.. ; ("

Now: what did I do wrong?

Kind regards and thanks in advance for any helpfull answer!


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11 years ago
Level 1

Hmm, that IS strange. I just tried to replicate your problem on my server and was unable.  When I go to create a standard Joomla Article, it opens the regular joomla form for publishing a web page content. 

Going to have to look into this a little further and get back to you.

Don't forget to "SOLVE" your topics when solved.

42 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2

Shall I open you an account on my site so you can check it there?

11 years ago
Level 3

You can. I can try. 
email me login info and the link at daveniezby AT yahoo

42 Posts
11 years ago
Level 4


daveniezby AT yahoo ... dot com, I suppose, right? (we in germany also know - and use(!) - yahoo.de, you know).

Okay, you should have got an Email with link and username/pw from me creating you an SU account.

Btw, as I just noticed: I don't have this problem just with the normals standard joomla! form for articles, but also with the one for users!

TIA & Regards,


11 years ago
Level 5

Okay  IBerka,

First, I would recommend you upgrade your Joomla Site. You're still using Joomla 2x and they're already up to Joomla 3x. 
Second, I don't understand what problem you're having. I logged in as a Super user and, as you can see, I had no problem creating a new article. 

I think the issue you're experiencing might be that you didn't create a new form using an article template. You actually modified the ORIGINAL regular article form.   So both your Seblod and "Regular" content forms are the same.

What you should have done was create a new form for content you create for Seblod and left the original form a lone.  You just use "article" as a template to start your new form.

If people can't access the form from the front side, then you need to check the permissions of the user / user group.

Lastly, thank goodness for translator LOL. I'm don't know German so I was limited to what I could understand.

Hopefully, this gives you a direction of travel.


42 Posts
11 years ago
Level 6

Ahoy, Dave!

First, we all know that Joomla 3.0 is just a short term supported version and that 2.5 is still a valid version for production sites (despite 3.x which is NOT reccomended for productions sites yet).

Second, I never said I can't create new articles. I said I can't access the original joomla standard form for articles, even when i click the link to use it (unless i uninstall seblod).

Third, I did just nothing of what you just wrote. All I did was installing Seblod and setting up some sites. I did not even touch any forms yet. I even uninstalled Seblod to see that articles then work again fine with joomla default form. But the problem reappeared after reinstalling Seblod WITHOUT making any changes on any forms. Besides this, while creating your account, I experienced that I have the same problem with the form to create new users.

Fourth, I'm not even interested in using any customized forms of Seblod. All I really need is the multisite feature.

Fifth, on my site english language is still installed on both frontend and backend - you should just have switched it ;-)

Last but least: Now I have an answer but it doesn't help the least for I haven't done any changes witht the forms. So the remaining question for me is: WTF shall I do now to fix it?

Thanks in advance and kind regards,

P.S.: the article you created in my site does NOT use Joomla standard form, btw.

11 years ago
Level 7



Okay, I think I may have figured out the problem. It may be a corrupt link.  Let me see if I can fix it.

I didn't really want to make any changes to your system so I didn't change things like Language or anything. 

As for Joomla 3x..No way, this system is great. Haven't experienced a problem yet.  The way it's organized alone is with the upgrade.

But, let me get back to see if I actually DID figure out your problem.

I'll get back to you.


11 years ago
Level 7

Okay, I have found the problem. 

The URL encoding is incorrect.

When you are creating and article on your server this is what the link should be when using a Standard Joomla Article


What is actually being used for all of your links is:


So, now that we've figured out the problem, now we need to find the solution.  I've never seen something like this.  It could be because of the naming changes between the Joomla versions.  This is one of the main reasons I recommend the upgrade.  Positions and a number of other items are completely different in the templates front and back. It would appear that there is a broken link somewhere.

Log in to your site and paste the above links after your base URL.

At worst, this is at least a workaround.


42 Posts
11 years ago
Level 8

could it maybe be because i installed a completely EMPTY Joomla?

11 years ago
Level 9

Maybe...When installing Joomla you should always install the sample data.
But I couldn't be certain. 

But at least we know works and that it's a URL problem.


42 Posts
11 years ago
Level 10

"When installing Joomla you should always install the sample data."
funny idea ... says who? ;-)

"But at least we know works and that it's a URL problem."
Hold on! I believe in you! :-)



P.S.: feedback: I just installed Seblod 3.1.5. - still the same problem.

Oh, and when I downloaded it, it said "SEBLOD 3.1 is ready for both Joomla! 2.5 and Joomla! 3.1" ;-)

11 years ago
Level 11

Still no idea why you're having this problem. Everything looks okay from an integration and settings point.  

As for "Who says install sample data". Joomla does. There is a warning when you install it saying that they HIGHLY RECOMMEND you install sample data.  When you install 3x it gives you a number of choices for that. 

Why don't you do this.  Create another folder and install Joomla 3x then install Seblod. See if it has the problem then. 

You should be able to do this on a server as well as your localhost.   

42 Posts
11 years ago
Level 12


Okay, I have good news, I have bad news: you are right, you are wrong.

Bad news: the problem is reproducable. Even on very new Installations.

Good news: It exists actually only on Joomla! 2.5..

You're right: the problem does NOT exist when using Seblod 3.1.5 on Joomla! 3.1
You're wrong: the problem has nothing to do with missing sample data when using Seblod 3.1.5 on Joomla! 2.5. It actually looks like a plain bug. You'll get emails from 2 newly installed jommlas (without any extras like other components or languages) to convince yourself.

The problem is, that it's neither Seblod nor its support staff who decides which Joomla version I have to use - it's me or my customer. And the decision has been made to use 2.5 which should - according to Seblods Download page - be an valid version for Seblod. So I hope for a bugfix. Will there be one?

And last, but least another right-wrong ;-) :

You're right: installation actually says "Installing sample data is strongly recommended"
You're wrong: installation actually says "Installing sample data is strongly recommended FOR BEGINNERS."

Beside this: this site is planned to be turned to a production/life site after installing and configuring is done. This is why I don't have any use for any sample data that I'd have to delete afterwards again anyway.

Hope you still don't hate me too much ;-(

Kind regards,

11 years ago
Level 13

Lol. No I don't hate you.  My overall advice was right.  You need to use up-to-date versions. 

You sound VERY protective of version 2x and more power to ya there. Just realize that you will run into problems using old software.  

Joomla says it will still support 2x but they won't be updating it. 

I don't believe it's a bug in this version.  It could be, but like I said, there are major changes between the two I just think its because of the new URL encoding scheme.  

Just glad you figured it out. 

42 Posts
11 years ago
Level 14

Erm, I was talking about a bufix from Seblod, not about one from Joomla.

Joomla! 2.5 actually is a valid and an up to date version and for itself, it works just fine. 

And Seblod says it is ready for Joomla 2.5 - but it is definitely not. This is what I call a bug (or a lie?).

So will there be a bugfix FROM Seblod FOR Seblod 3.1 to make it work properly with Joomla! 2.5?

And for the records: No, I'm not protective of version 2.x. It's just that I have to install some other extensions as well that are just not available for Joomla 3.x yet.  (iGuru, AdAgengy, Universal Chat etc.). 

Beside this I just don't like it if a product (or a supporter ;-P) is trying to force me using something different than I used before. In particular when the product claims on its download page to support exactly the things I'm already using.

I think, products should be made to meet the needs of its customers - not the other way round.

Waiting patiently for your answer. :-)

Regards, Me

11 years ago
Level 15


Please do you use a specific Joomla administration template?

Please try  to change Integration option of SEBLOD that you have in SEBLOD options (see dashboard of SEBLOD).


42 Posts
11 years ago
Level 16


"Please do you use a specific Joomla administration template?"

No, not at all. I'm using plain default template for Backend.

"Please try  to change Integration option of SEBLOD that you have in SEBLOD options (see dashboard of SEBLOD)."

Will do gladly!!! ... but, umm, which option to what? :-/

Kind regards,


310 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Hi guys, how are you?

I was just wondering if this problem could be from the integration options in Seblod.

IBeRKa did you check if Integration with Joomla!. in Seblod integration options - "Edit link" is not set to "Always with Seblod"?


42 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2

Hello rikard01!

I just checked it: no, "Edit Link" is set to "Auto" in Seblod integration options. Should it be sth else?

TIA & regards,


11 years ago
Level 1

Hi IBeRKa, I know you are using Joomla 2.5 but I think the settings are the same, only check "default content type" as "None" in the object Joomla Article. I made a screenshot.


42 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2

Ahoy, junniors!

Wow! That's it!!! Thank you! Muchas Gracias! Mille Grazie! Merci beaucoup! :-)

Kind regards,


45 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1
Thank you junniors for the solution !

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