10 years ago
Hello, I'm completely new to Seblog and trying to figure this out. Sorry for my long question, but I have a lot of questions. I have already seen "Creating Content Relationships in Joomla with Seblod" tutorial by James Morrell. My situation is very similar: One band has many records. In the future, I'd want one record to be able to have many bands too, so a n:m relation between band and record. But first I'll focus on 1:m relation til I've figured that out.

So this is the situation:
  • When I go to backend to edit a record, I get a dropdown list to select Band. Great!
  • When I click on menu item Records, I get a list of all records (in intro view) with info about release year and a link to the record's band. Great!
  • The link to the band (in intro view) points to records?id=7:iron-maiden instead of records/7-iron-maiden, which gives a 404. Fail.
  • The header link in intro view that points to the article (record)'s content view, works fine though.
  • In content view for a record, the header link which should point to the same article, points to records?id=6:powerslave instead of records/6-powerslave. Fail.
  • In content view for a record, the band link which should point to the record's band points to records?id=7:iron-maiden. Fail.
  • When I go to content view for a band, f.ex. records/7-iron-maiden, I expect to see the discography, but nada. Fail.

This is what I've done so far:
  • Created Category Record
  • Created Category Band
  • Created a couple of Articles to the above categories
  • Created Field called Band: Type=Article (Related), Categories=Band
  • Created Field called Discography: Type=Module, Position=discography, Mode=Position, Style=Xhtml
  • Created Form & Content Type called Band: Admin Form Fields: Article Title (Text), Article Category Id (JForm - Category) and some others. Content Fields: Discography (Joomla! Module)
  • Created Form & Content Type called Record: Admin Form Fields: Band (Joomla! Article), Release year (Text) and some others. Content Fields: Band (Joomla! Article), Release year (Text) and some others
  • Created List & Search Type called Discography: Search Form Fields: CCK (Select - Dynamic) and Band (Joomla! Article). Item Fields: Article Title and Band (Joomla! Article)
  • Created a SEBLOD - List Module: Search Type (List) = Discography. Position = discography

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175 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Well, if you used Morrell's tutorial to the letter, you should be ok.
Could you specify the Joomla! and Seblod versions you use for the project?
10 years ago
Level 2
Thanks for your reply. I have probably missed out some small steps. Use Joomla! 3.2.1 and Seblod 3.1.5.
175 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3
As you might have seen on this forum, Seblod 3.1.5 is compatible with Joomla 2.5.x and 3.1.x
Seblod 3.2 which is highly expected by the whole community WILL BE COMPATIBLE with Joomla 3.2.x
Until then, you can either use Joomla 3.1.x as the rest of us, or be baffled by or the compatibility issues you have. Just as a demonstration of incompatibility, go to System > Global Configuration > Seblod.
What you will see is all kind of issues, from errors to blank screens.
10 years ago
Level 4
I have gone to Global Config -> Seblod (administrator/index.php?option=com_config&view=component&component=com_cck), but can't see any errors or blank screen even though I have error reporting set to maximum.

In my case I believe it is a lack of understanding, not a compatibility issue.
175 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
If you can (local installation or subdomain), try recreating what you listed at top with Seblod 3.1.5 and Joomla 3.1.6
I am certain you will be more successful.
175 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
By the way, have you tried to click on Save in Seblod configuration?
10 years ago
Level 1
I see what you mean now. Got an error when pressing save button. Perhaps I should just wait for Seblod 3.2. Don't want to start from scratch with J!3.1.
10 years ago
Level 1
I have now upgraded to Seblod 3.2 and nothing in my initial post has changed. I have exactly the samme issues. Any help?
175 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
If you go into Seblod settings, Site tab, how is SEF set? And Canonical urls...
10 years ago
Level 1
Both are default.
SEF = /id-alias
SEF (Canonical Urls) = No

It also seems that any fields I add to intro or content view to Band content type are simply ignored on the site. Adding fields to Record content type works fine though.
10 years ago
Level 1
This topic is still very unsolved.

1. When I edit the Bands List Type, then I can't click on Item tab. I thought List was for tables and Item was for blog, but maybe not? I did choose blog view when I clicked the new List Type button.
2. I have created a List Type called Bands (Content type = Band). When I click on the menu item pointing to that list type, I just get the heading "Bands" once, and nothing else. There are indeed a couple of bands of content type Band in category "Bands". But the list is still empty.
175 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
For list view you can select different templates, amongst which you can find already installed Blog and Table, while you can download List template, very simple template, that enumerates all item fields inside a <li>.
List view serves to display your search results and it depends on what kind of template you select:
  • No template (-Disable List Template-) will use default Intro layout of the content that conform to search results, and in this case Item layout will be grayed out. There are also other 2 (3) list templates, which will allow you to select list layout.
  • If you select Blog template, you will see in List view: "# There is no Position available for this view." in which case you can use Item layout to select fields for your list results.
  • If you select Table template, you will get column positions, which you can use to display your fields. Using this template, Item layout will be grayed out.
One other thing, List&Search views are not to be confused with 4 content type views; L&S views are used to filter, order and display the content according to certain search conditions, in a list, blog or table manner. If you open any of the content from the results in a single view, it will again use it's Content type Content view.
10 years ago
Level 1
Thanks for your good explanation. For List & Search Type Bands, I have set List views Template to Blog, and then Item view became available. I did set two fields to Item view: Article Title and a test module (a custom html module with just some text). But the unexpected behaviour is still there: The Bands list is empty!

  • I have created a menu item of type "SEBLOD » List & Search" with Search Type (List) set to Bands.
  • I have a category called Bands
  • I have a couple of articles in category Bands.
Why is the list still empty?

175 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
What do you have as the condition in the Search Form layout? If you select mode #2, you can see what content type is associated with the search (that is the purpose of cck field in search).
10 years ago
Level 2
"band". If I click the <<-link to the right of the Live Value textbox, I see a modal window with three buttons (Save & Close, Reset, Cancel) and an empty textbox below. I would expect there to be a list of categories, but there is not.
175 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
That empty box should be a dropdown with all content types you have defined. There is also a Toggle, which allows to specify multiple content types. If that is not displayed, maybe there is something gone wrong with the Seblod update (from 3.1.5 to 3.2). There is a whole bug list with 3.2 update on this forum.
10 years ago
Level 1
This is how it looks like:

There was no warnings or error when I updated to 3.2
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi again. I have updated to Seblod 3.2.1. The issue with the content types now showing up in the listbox was solved after I updated.

The issue with the empty Bands list & search type does still remains. Any suggestions?
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