10 years ago
I am using a GroupX in an admin form to build an image gallery and using the JForm Media option to select an existing image. The first modal window works fine however the second fails inside the GroupX. In the second case the image selection displays but not in a modal (it's in full view). Additionally you can't select nor insert an image and locks up the page. The form editing session needs to start over. I had a similar problem with the JoomlaCK editor and the modal window for Phocagallery. In that case I rolled back to the TinyMCE editor and it worked. Something is conflicting in the Javascript but can't locate it.

I am using Seblod 3.1.5 with Joomla 3.1.5

Any help would be appreciated.



Get a Book for SEBLOD
10 years ago
Level 1

Found working solution:

in /plugins/cck_field/group_x/assets/js/script.js

add this function at the beginning:

function jformmodal() {
SqueezeBox.assign($$('a.modal'), {
parse: 'rel'

and execute it right before closing tags ( "});" ) of

$('.cck_button_add_'+name).live('click', function() {




It seems that it must be executed after new input is added to form. I also tried with jQuery.on() but it didn't work. Still there's some bugs with image preview after adding image, but it works allright after saving the article.

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