10 years ago

I am new to working with Seblod but NOT new to Joomla.  I am building a site with Joomla 3.3, I installed Version 3.3.6 of Seblod, can anyone suggest the best way to import all Content Types, Templates and Fields etc from a Joomla 1.5 site that utilizes Seblod CCK 1.8.0 to my Joomla 3.3 website?  I noticed the database tables in the latest version of Seblod are different from the previous version(s).

I tried the "Importer" tool, so far it works ok, but I have alot of content types etc to migrate, so I'm seeking  not necessarily a quicker option, but an efficient option.


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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi Kenyon,

Welcome to the SEBLOD forum. It would be helpful for you to be familiar with the SEBLOD storage methodology in this tutorial and videos. If you are not familiar with SEBLOD, you should take a moment to look at the Manuals section. At it's core, SEBLOD is an App builder - meaning it can create extensions for Joomla/SEBLOD. The content types/search types can be exported in an app (a zip file), then taken to another site and imported!

Before you do anything, please make sure you have a good backup of your site.

For the data, you are on the right track! You definitely want to use the importer tool which will pull the data into the content types. The trick is to get a good csv file. You can download the old export tool here which should help.

As far as the content types go, you can try exporting the apps. For some reason, I can not find any of my 1.x apps at the moment so I can't test to see if it works. I tried a 2.x app - there were errors. I had to run the #__cck_store_form_content_type_name.sql (found in the app's zip file) to create the table in my database manually. But after doing that I was able to add content.

I think I would build a temp joomla site and test importing the apps/content types/data. Once you have determined a good working Content Type, you will be able to export the apps from your temp3.0 site and import directly into the new site. In some cases you might have to have the sites side by side and manually create Content Types in the new version. There have been so many changes from Joomla

Hope that helps,


10 years ago
Level 2

Thanks Randy, I looked at the tutorials and I'm liking Seblod more and more since I'm part of this project, BUT, I'm still not seeing an efficient way to import content.  J2XML defeats the purpose because it only imports the content data, not the content type, do you agree?  Also I used the exporter tool that you recommended, I had actually utilized that too prior to my post, works pretty good but can you tell me what core fields I should be using to organize parent categories and category?  When I use the importer to import the task manager data, if the fields are not lined up then obviously data imports into the wrong fields, but when I attempt to "save" the article with the correct Parent Id and Category Id, i receive this error message:

Then the article is saved with no categories.

4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1


I don't think there is a way to migrate content types as Seblod architecture has totally changed - you will need to recreate them. Only then you will be able to import content. For categories you have Category field in the Jomla library(JForm) group

693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1


Importing categories with parent / child relationships is a multi-step process  - depending on how many parent / child / child relationships there are.  The reason is because the id is assigned during the import process.  So, once you export your csv file, create another csv file for the children, and copy them into the children.csv file.

Here are the fields that I used.  For the Parent categories, the parent_id =1

parent_id extension title note description published access params metadesc metakey metadata created_user_id created_time modified_user_id modified_time hits language version

Once the Parent categories are imported, you can look up the parent_id using phpMyAdmin and assign them to the children.csv file.

Hope that helps,


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