548 Posts
7 years ago

Hi guys, 

I downloaded,installed, enabled the Address to Coordinate plugin to Mapping my Users address with concatene mode. So:

1 - I have to set up my locations fields adding a Latitude text field and a Longitude text field with Storage: Standard > User > latitude (longitude) > Alter: Decimal 10,8 (Lat) / (Decimal 11,8 (Lng)) - But I have no listed Decimal 10,8 (Lat) / Decimal 11,8 (Lng), Please, What am I missing ?

2 - I have to create the Geolocation Address to Coordinates field, set it and add it to "1 > Variation > Hidden". Looking to have Latitude/Longitude not visibles, Can I also set the Latitude text field and a Longitude text field to "1 > Variation > Hidden" or I have to move them in the Hidden template position ?

3 - Working in the "Hidden" mode, Do I have to add the 3 fields in the Admin Form and also in the Site Form to have it working in the Administrator and Frontend panel ? Or add them in the Admin Form is enough ?

4 - Storing Latitude / Longitude datas into User table do not need to have the Bridge enabled, right ? ...Or Is there any connection for which I should enable the bridge ?

Many Thanks for help

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4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

1 - no idea.

2 - try and see what works

3 - For sure you need to add fields to the both forms. 

4 - Bridge does not need to be enabled to store this info in users table.

548 Posts
6 years ago
Level 2

Hi Klas,

2 / 3 / 4 thanks

1 - I'm going crazy:

I activated the Error Reporting: Development in Global Configuration (any message is shown) + The Plugin is installed with success (I tested re installing it more than one time) + The plugin is enabled and the Geocoding API Key added with succes

But on this site and its Backup site adding a Latitude text field and a Longitude text field with Storage: Standard > User > latitude (longitude) > Alter: Decimal (10,8) (Lat) / (Decimal (11,8) (Lng)) the Decimal (10,8) (Lat) / Decimal (11,8) (Lng) options are not shown in the Alter dorp down menu.

I tested installing on same Server a new fresh Joomla 3.8.1 +SEBLOD 3.15.0 + Address to Coordinate 1.3.3 plugin (enabled + same API Key added) and the Decimal (10,8) (Lat) / Decimal (11,8) (Lng) options are shown in the Alter dorp down menu.

So, into phpMyAdmin I tried to look for where in the second DB tables the Decimal (10,8) (Lat) / Decimal (11,8) (Lng) of the Alter dorp down menu are stored and defined, thinking to compare it with the first DB table hooping to understand something... but I'm not been able to found them.

Please, Where the Decimal (10,8) (Lat) / Decimal (11,8) (Lng) of the Alter dorp down men should be stored ?

Please, Do you have any suggestments to look for the issue ? 

Can I do anything manuallly to look if is an installation not shown problem ?

Looking to find where is the issue, (I have to delivery the work), Can I add the two Latitude / Longitude text fields and then alter the columns storage in phpMyAdmin with just ALTER TABLE and the MODIFY command:

ALTERTABLE myTable MODIFY myColumnLatitude DECIMAL(10,8)

ALTERTABLE myTable MODIFY myColumnLongitude DECIMAL(11,8)

4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 3

You should always be able to modify columns to any type. But yes, if it doesn't work you can manually change column datatype in phpMyadmin to DECIMAL(10,8) or 11,8

548 Posts
6 years ago
Level 4

Hi Klas, changed using phpMyAdmin, Thanks! 

And, about the issue that in

Storage: Standard > User > latitude (longitude) > Alter: Decimal (10,8) (Lat) / (Decimal (11,8) (Lng)) the Decimal (10,8) (Lat) / Decimal (11,8) (Lng) options are not shown in the Alter dorp down menu.

- Please, Where the Decimal (10,8) (Lat) / Decimal (11,8) (Lng) of the Alter dorp down men should be stored ?

- Please, Do you have any suggestments to look for the issue ?

- Can I do anything manuallly to look if is an installation not shown problem ?

4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 5


I suggest you make a new text field for lat/lang, there you should get those options. And if not already, update to latest Seblod.

548 Posts
6 years ago
Level 6

Hi Klas, 

tested without success, and I tried also many times reinstaling Seblod 3.15.0 and the concatenate plugin.

- Please, Where the Decimal (10,8) (Lat) / Decimal (11,8) (Lng) of the Alter dorp down men should be stored ?

- Can I do anything manuallly to look if is an installation not shown problem ?

- Please, Do you have any suggestments to look for the issue ?

4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 7

This options are coming from core_storage_alter_type field, you can find it in the Fields manager if you set filter on the left to Off

548 Posts
6 years ago
Level 8

Hi Klas,

many thanks for your suggestion. I found the field and added the two parameters:

Decimal 10 8=DECIMAL(10,8)

Decimal 11 8=DECIMAL(11,8)

Comparing the field with a new Seblod 3.15.0 installation I noted that also the two parameters:

Varchar 512=VARCHAR(512)

Varchar 1024=VARCHAR(1024)

were missed, so I added them.

Thinking to report a detailed issue on GitHub to give the possibility to Seblod team to investigate on this, Please,

Do you now when and / or which feature / Seblod release should had to add these last two parameters ?

4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 9

At one point in history your installattion didn't upgrade properly - upgrade sql was not executed, happens sometimes and is Joomla's fault.

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