11 years ago


Thank you for the great plugin. I tried looking through your forums/documentation but just could not manage to get it done. I wanted to have a front end list of articles that a logged in user could edit. Here is an example screenshot of what I mean, List of Articles.

I tried setting up a list but no matter what I try, I just keep getting this message:


There is no result.

What am I doing wrong here and how would I setup a List of Articles with a an edit link that links to the SEBLod form which I have already created and works from the front end? Thank you.

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11 years ago
Level 1

Hello nirpan,

welcome on SEBLOD.

To have a render like in your screenshot you must use the template seb_table for your search & List.

There is no result.

The probleme come from your search form, and probably from the storage of your fields.

You could enable the SEBLOD debug mode in the configuration tab of your seach to see the sql request.



11 years ago
Level 2


Thank you very much for your reply. Apologies about my late reply. I will have a look at it soon and see how it goes as I was away for a while. Thank you once more.

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