1283 Posts
9 years ago

Hi folks

Just a quick top tip for any beginners out there:

To remove a label from your form:

Type in the word 'clear' and the label will no longer be shown!!

Using the Article Title field in the Article site form as an example...

It has the word 'Title' in the column called Label. 

Click the pencil icon to enter the field's config settings.

(Image 01 Field To Hide Label)


The Label has the word 'Title'.

(Image 02 Field Config Default)


The form when viewed from the front end of the site shows the word 'Title'.

(Image 03 Form Site Default)


Return to the field's config,remove the label and leave it blank i.e. delete the word 'Title'. 

Click save.

(Image 04 Field Config Label Gone)


The form when viewed from the front end of the site now shows the words 'Article Title'.

(Image 05 Form Site New Label)


The Field's title, as shown in the Field's config settings is now being used as the label. 

Enter the word 'clear' in to the Label in the Field's config settings. 

Click save.

(Image 06 Field Config Clear)


The label is now NOT shown on the front end.

(Image 07 Form Site Label Gone)


As a shortcut you can override the Label from the config area.

Change the value in the forms 'Label' column to 'clear'. 

(Image 08 Field Label Override)

(Image 01 Field To Hide Label)

(Image 02 Field Config Default)

(Image 03 Form Site Default)

(Image 04 Field Config Label Gone)

(Image 05 Form Site New Label)

(Image 06 Field Config Clear)

(Image 07 Form Site Label Gone)

(Image 08 Field Label Override)

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572 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Hey Bucklash,

Thanks for taking the time to post this. I was very heartened by your assertion on another forum post where you said that the "community needs to step up a bit". This is what an Open Source community is all about. It's about give and take.

Feel free to post content like this on the Tutorials Page - http://www.seblod.com/resources/tutorials



9 years ago
Level 2

Nice tip! Thank a lot! This tip will be very helpfull sometime.

1283 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Hi James

Thanks for that. I assume from your reply I got it all correct :)

I'm not sure I know enough to create a formal tutorial. Putting these sort of posts on the forum allows others to slap me down if I get it wrong. Not been slapped yet :)

8 years ago
Level 2

Thanks Bucklash, these tips helped me.

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