127 Posts
11 years ago

Hello friends,

I have a content type with many fields on the views, specially on site form view and content view.

When editing the content type, if I change from "Site form" view to any other view like Content, Intro or Admin Form, I get this error and the inability to save the content type editing fields from site form view:

The most recent request was denied because it contained an invalid security token. Please refresh the page and try again.

But if I change between views omitting Site Form view it works well, only happens when I pass through Site Form view...

Any help will be much appreciated.

Best regards.

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127 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Is not possible to upload images now? :(

I forgot some info. I have latest seblod 3.1.3 version and Joomla 2.5.11. Cache is disabled, no site moved from one server to another and no site moved from one folder to another... Where can be this error? No idea...

Please help...


11 years ago
Level 1


had a similar problem when using multisites and many user/groups from many sub domains about a year ago.

have not had any problems since mid sebold 2 releases.

make sure try in different browsers and different PC's, etc

make sure doing backups.


127 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2

Hello fredee,

Thanks for your answer. In this case I'm not using multisites and user groups remain untouched. I tried restoring previous content type versions (from auto savings) and with all versions, even with versions from a lot of months ago, I'm getting this error. I also tried from diferent operative systems and browsers, linux and windows.

This content type is done and working since more than one year ago. Now I'll try restoring complete site versions from the daily backups, and so maybe I see in which update this failure comes up.


127 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
If somebody have a problem like this, I solved this some time ago by changing php server version from php 3 to php 4. That's it.

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