203 Posts
10 years ago
Hell'ò Sebloders, I have a question: is possible in output to have some fields in a form?
I will be more clear: I create a form and with select dinamic field I choose a field from a file.
Now, I need to verify other fields about file indicate in select dinamic fields because the only field in the select in not enought..
Therefore, I need read some further fields from table(example: address, city etc...). 
These fields have to be, in output, visible for continue to insert futher data in the form.
Many thanks to all for partecipation. Best regards, Louis  
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203 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi, I do not receive any suggestions about my topic. I think: is it impossible or very difficult ?
I verified also thinking useful "select dinamic cascade". It can help me but I think do not much. This is the reason.
You have to think that I can have many thousand of records in my table.
For each city I can have the same firm name also 3-4 times (in truth the companies that I call "firms" are institutions).
At this point which I choose? I can choose only if I read address firm.
Therefore I ask you, please: Is there a way to see others fields about my main table, using "select dinamic cascade" or "select dinamic fields", for doing a sure choose ? I hope to be clear about my problem that I expose.
Many thanks in advance for your reply. Best regards, Louis
4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

you could use Select Dynamic Free option to construct a query with joins that would show adress next to company name, but it depends on your field storages
203 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
Dear Klas, thanks for your reply.
I need your help for some istructions to insert in SQL query in case of free options.
Follow me, please, : I create a simple form ( definitive form will be realized later ) with some fields.
You find the form at the following address: http://regionesiciliana.altervista.org/index.php/purchases
If you see on the right there are some fields in output. These fields are present together in the record about institution name.
Therefore, when I choose istitution name ( see you, please,  "lista anagrafica" on the left ), I need to see other fields on the right of the form about istitution that are: zipcode, city, address etc... . 
Hope to be clear for you. I need surely your better help.  Awaiting your reply. Thanks again, best regards, Louis
203 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
Dear Klas, have you any news for me ? I try about your suggestions, but I think is wrong anything because I do not see further fields about company.
Could you guide step by step ? First thing: what storage I have to use for my fields ? Actually I use standard storage and I create all fields with close padlock. Did I well ?
I will be in await about your reply.  Regards, Louis  
4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3

You can read about storage here http://www.seblod.com/resources/tutorials/how-to-manage-fields-storage - this should give you information which tables you need to query to get the right value, but you will need to construct query yourself, we can only give you general directions.
203 Posts
10 years ago
Level 4
Dear Klas, many thanks. I will read the link about data storage and inform you soon. Regards, Louis
203 Posts
10 years ago
Level 4
Hi Klas, thanks, I saw as for your suggestion the site tutorial about fields storage. It has been very useful.
Then I did a free costruction about my select dinamic field in the form. 
With a SELECT , before trying on phpmyadmin, using CONCAT, I create a unique field to show in my select dinamic field.
I think I have resolve this topic. Thanks again to you and to webcastor.
Now I would like to transfer fields from select dinamic field ("lista anagrafica") to some fields in the form in the right top ( they are the same fields). How can I do ? Please, see again my web page and you will understand.
I will be in await for your suggestions, please. Best regards, Louis
175 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Caro Luigi,

Una delle soluzioni molto semplice sarebbe usare il Article (Related) campo per selezionare la azienda nei dati del acquisto.
La opzione che devi scegliere per mostrare i dati della azienda (nel Intro, Content oppure Item nel list view) è Display (Parent) e li scegli intro.

Questa soluzione non visualizza i dati della azienda durante la fase del editing, pero i dati della azienda si vedranno nel intro.

Se invecie quello che vuoi è avere la ditta visualizzata imediatamente, una mezza idea la avrei, ma devo prima provare.

203 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
Ciao Alex, grazie per il tempo che mi dedichi. Se vuoi possiamo sentirci in privato a mezzo mail, oppure inviami un tuo suggerimento rispondendo a questo post. Quello di cui ho bisogno è la possibilità di verificare con certezza l'identità dell'azienda. Fammi sapere, grazie ancora, saluti, Luigi
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