9 years ago

Hello !

I am trying this component which seems to be great, and I'd like to build some page like yours :


but in order to begin, I'd like to add some custom fields. unfortunatly, each time that I save, it does not save anything, and I come back with de default one....

then how can we build a page like yours ? is it a special template or something ? which meny item type is it ?

thx for your help ! (and sorry for my english ;) )

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9 years ago
Level 1

I tried that : http://www.seblod.com/resources/manuals/going-further/adding-3-custom-fields-to-a-joomla-user-profile

but, save and close does not save anything :(

175 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Have you tried to clone your user type; just select User and click on Batch (top, middle) and select, fill Choose a Title and click on Go.

You can change the default user type later in SEBLOD Options > Integration > Joomla! User > Default Content Type.

9 years ago
Level 2

first, I tried to click on save and new, but instead of registering a new one, it rename default user form new.

So anyway, I duplicate using batch processing and named is user form new2 .

Curiously, the custom field I created for my user form new is not present on the user form new2 list. So I created onther one, and with same result. saving form does not save anything.

then, I went to field, create a third one, assign to user format / directory, save

go on user form, select my new custom field, insert, and still nok, I cannot save my form... (user form 1 or 2, same result)

175 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Other forms are working fine? (just trying to establish if that is a Seblod fault).

Have you created your field with the padlock locked or open? What happens if you create the field from outside the form editor (in Fields section) and add it to the form from the field list on the right? 

9 years ago
Level 2

this is my first form I try :(

I  tried to create the field in all situation, from lock, unlock padlock, from field section.. and no luck

572 Posts
9 years ago
Level 3

Hi tonnick,

Welcome to SEBLOD. Firstly, are you sure you're looking at the SEBLOD user form and not the Standard Joomla User Form?

Secondly, it sounds like you've skipped a step or something somewhere. The manuals section that you linked before offers some very detailed step by step instructions on how to achieve what you are doing (it definitely works). Also, make sure you are adding the fields to the Admin form view. 

I would recommend trying again with a completely fresh installation of Joomla and SEBLOD, in case something is corrupt with your current version. 

Let us know how it goes! Happy SEBLODing

9 years ago
Level 4

SEBLOD user form and not the Standard Joomla User Form

How can we distinguish ? what is the difference ? if I duplicate the forms, how can it be the standard joomla user form ?

As I mentionned above, i made the step from the manuals and tutorials but without success.can we put some attachment ? it seems png are rejected.

and yes I am on admin view

and yes as well, this is a fresh install.

4229 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1


check your php.ini settings System->S<stem infromation->PHP information tab for "max_input_vars" setting, it needs to be set to 4000.

9 years ago
Level 1

wuhu ! well done ! :) it was due to settings !

and now, second question, if I want the same page as http://www.seblod.com/community/users, I did not see such module or item link type from menu.

is it a specific template with module ? I cannot find documentation about it :( thx !

4229 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

This page has custom styling, not something that is available for download. But to get something similar you would just need to create new search type with blog as list template, then put user name and avatar in the Item fields. What you have left to do is to get right styling for this 2 fields, default template will just output them in the set order.

9 years ago
Level 2

buuuf I'm afraid still a lot to do to understand how does it work :( but I'll try ! :) thx for your help !

9 years ago
Level 2

ok I build the new search list, based on user, with user name and avatar. I updated my profile wirh avatar / username (to change super user)

I created a module based on it and menu item on this list item as well

But nothing appears.


Did I miss something ? thx again for your help !

9 years ago
Level 3

ok I have it, I had to add the fields as well in elements. in progress...

9 years ago
Level 1

I would need not to build teh link to user. I tried with this tutorial : http://www.seblod.com/resources/tutorials/link-article-author-field-to-his-profile but it not really clear.

your component seems to be good, but not intuitive at all, to be honest :(

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