8 years ago

Hi there,

I installed bridge, made all settings on seblod integration and permissions on user content type.

I created two menu items on front-end. The first one shows a form to edit logged in user, and it is working like a charm.

The other one just to see user profile, and it shows nothing redirecting to my initial home page!

The odd thing is if I deactivate sef on joomla, It shows an empty article (title,date of creation, votes, etc).

In the back end I can see that the user article has been created in the user category, but It only has 

an id inside it like this: "::cck::123::/cck::"

Does anybody know where am I going wrong?

Thanks in advance

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4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

How did you link menu to user profile? 

To see user profile you need to make users search type with redirection set to content. Also you need to add user id field in the search and set it to live value user->id. Then search type will show only profile of this user and with redirection it will redirect to view that profile.

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