19 Posts
7 years ago

I've done a few things with seblod already, but never a user form. 

First question is, howto create a user registration form for the frontend - with public access. I've read some solutions, that did not work, so here is, what i did:

- create new (seblod) userform, Then there are already several fields and i only added a submit button (app folder=user). The other ones had this attr. already.

- in the configuration:

  object = user (was already set)

  content creation = allowed (was already set)

  i set permissions:create = allowed and access = allowed (before it was "special")

- added a menu item (public) for it

Now, activating the menu item shows the error "You are not allowed to access this resource."

What was wrong?

Any suggestions are very welcome :-)

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1283 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

screenshots :)

19 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

Hi bucklash,

hmm, not sure about, what you're thinking of. I'll try with the (standard) user fields including the configuration


(Just by the way: I did a successful upload, but couldn't find a way to make a link of it)

1283 Posts
7 years ago
Level 2


I just tried it with 

Joomla! 3.7.1

Seblod 3.11.1

And no joy...

  • Site is default except for new content types added
  • User Content Type is default version shipped with Seblod
  • Menu Item -> SEBLOD -> Form = User
  • Menu Item -> Access = Public
  • Form -> Access = Public
  • Form -> Permission -> Public -> Create = Allowed (set like this by default)

So I have same experience as you....





19 Posts
7 years ago
Level 3

exactly, also the versions. In addition I had this problem with J3.7.0 and Seblod 3.10.x already

4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 3

Is this error on profile view or on form? Your screenshot indicates it is not a registration form.

4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

Try if it works if you set a menu to the Joomla registration form (Seblod takes care of redirect)

19 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

Hi Klas,

thx for caring :-).

My Menu item points to a seblod 3.x => form. imho this is a registration form, because i created it with new (seblod-) user form (described in post #1).

Anyway, I tried a new menu item, explicit pointing to user => registration form. There were no further possibilities, to select between seblod registration or standard joomla registration. Using the item in the frontend still shows the same request to login first, the good part is: without error "You are not allowed to access this resource.".

Or did I misunderstand Your advice?

[upd] I'm still thinking about, how this redirect should work. In my case, there are of course 2 seblod user forms now. Is this the trouble, because there should be one only?

4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 2

What I had in mind is to set a link to Joomla com_users form (Users->registration form). Seblod then redirects to the form set in the configuration->integration tab as Default Content Type

19 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

hmm, i found in the seblod component: options->integration tab. Guess it is the location.

Right, there is a setting Default Content Type = user

And, as described in my last post, pushing menu item, that points to user => registration form, will show this:

In order to find out, which form would show up, i logged in at the frontend. Pushing menu item again shows:

This was to be expected. It is std seblod user form

So i did another try: setting Default Content Type = MyUserForm and saved it. Pushing the menu item again did not change the form. Unexpectedly it still is the std seblod user form. Another Logout+Login didn't help either.

So, did I do another mistake? by the way, this report is based on J3.7.2 now, since i had an update yesterday ;-)

4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 2

So, did you change default user content type to your new content type or not? On you screenshot it is still set to the default User created by Seblod.

I tested and everything works ok for me with both menu options - joomla user redirection an directly with Seblod user form.

19 Posts
7 years ago
Level 3

Yes, I did both variations. First, I tried it with the standard setting "Default Content Type = user", where all the screenshots were done.

Then I changed the setting to my custom form and had the same results.

If You have no problem and I have it, then it must be a param, that I'm not aware of. I will do a new run now with screenshots and then export the user app

The steps are:

- BE create new form of type "Create blank"

- setting params

  title = User from blank

  object = user

  content creation = allowed

  permissions:create = allowed and access = public

Now adding some fields, identical for Admin form and site form

where "user submit Save&Close is a submit button

So far so good, saved all of it and did a last check to the permissions.

Now creating a menu item for it

Clicking this menu item in the frontend will bring the same kind of reaction, that i described already

So now i went to BE and created a zip of all forms for app "user"


I really don't know, what else i could do. Maybe this helps to find out, what kind of param is to be blamed ;-)

19 Posts
7 years ago
Level 4

oops, I forgot to set the option params in the component. Changed setting "User Default Content Type" to

=> same result in the frontend

Now also changing "registration menu item" from "user" to "User from blank Save&Close"

=> same result in the frontend

4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 5

Sorry, no idea what is wrong, I can take a look if you send me temporary admin login pluis info where to find this menu on frontend to klas.berlic at octopoos.com

19 Posts
7 years ago
Level 6

Hi Klas,

thanks a lot for Your kind offer, mail is out already ;-) ...

4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

You disabled user registration in com_users configuration options.

19 Posts
7 years ago
Level 2

Hi Klas,

a 1000 thanks for pointing this out to me :-). And in fact, everything works now in my demo site!

Puuh, this was a hard one, looking at the wrong places. Just for others, that might read this:

BE Component => User => Options

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