11 years ago


Could you explain me how to use Stages in a Content Type creation form ?

I have set several stages but I don't know how to use "Navigation" and "Progress Bar". In the form configuration tab, I just have "..." in front of these two parameters. Is that normal ?

As a result, I can't go to stage 2 once stage 1 is OK ..

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215 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

In my case, I set up a small form based on the Articles Content Type. I set the main Joomla fields provided with the content type as Stage = 1st, and set up a new field as the 2nd stage. I added a Next Button, which attempts to go to stage=2 (the URL appends &stage=2). I set Configuration Stage Count = 2. Progress and Navigation fields are not active in v3 and J2.5.11.

But when the URL renders, I only get "Oops! Fields not found.. ; (".

Permissions for the article and the category DO allow the public to fill in the form.  Any ideas why this is not working?

Follow up to my post: I see now my form was saving the first stage and perhaps finalizing the form. How can I advance the form to the second level, third etc. before finalizing?

215 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

I have tried several ways to apply stages, mostly using the Buttons Next 2,3,4,etc provided. And creating my own. One of three things seem to happen:

After entering data and clicking Next, I get:

  • Error You are not allowed to access this resource.
  • Invalid Token
  • Or the form returns and resets the first page 

The Next Button link includes this fields: index.php?option=com_cck&view=form&layout=edit&type=applications&id=0&stage=2

Hmm... anyone have suggestions or a resource on this?

11 years ago
Level 2

Hi, i'm experimenting stages and managed to pass to step 2. Seems guests need to be able to delete/edit contents (Form Permissions). Not *their* content, but content.

11 years ago
Level 2

I'd like to see some documentation about multipart forms/stages.  Also, hoping to see the progress bars/navigation completed soon == great feature.

11 years ago
Level 1


here what I did:

just put fields in stage 1 ,2, 3 (for instance) and set the form configuration to 3 stages

then put submit buttons in stage 1 and 2 so that they trigger the 1->2 and 2->3 stage transition.

as for the rights, just allowed the public (if it is a front end form for non registered users) to create and modify contents

My only concern is about the email notification email field I regulary use in forms but for a multi stages form I can't put #fieldname# in the message if fieldname belongs to a stage prior to the email field stage.

it seems the email field only knows the fields in its current stage. SO it seems impossible to send a detailed message at the final stage with all the details of the previous stages

BEWARE: don't forget to set the emaul field notification method to ALWAYS if the email field is not at the first stage



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