11 years ago

In the frontend I have 3 different menu items for Seblod Forms, one for creating a (Seblod) article, one for creating an activity and one for creating a documentation-type...Whenever I click one it works fine the first time and opens the right form, however after clicking around something gets mixed up.

For instance when i click create activity it opens the activity form. If after that i click on the create article form it will also open the activity form , same for documents. If I clean the cache and start all over again..when i start with create article, then the other buttons will also open the create article form..and not the one they are supposd to open....

This is a real mystery to me now, and very inconvenient as i have to launch the site this week...Any help would be greatly appreciated

(I checked if it has anything to do with SEF urls, but switching that on or off makes no difference... )

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11 years ago
Level 1

in the meantime i discovered 2 more things:

the problem also occurs on the list/search buttons. they get totally mixed up

When switching  Global Site Cache off the menu items behave correctly....

It would be a shame though to disable site caching alltogether.  - Is this a bug, or is there away to get around this problem????

11 years ago
Level 1

Hi Ligi,

It's working nice.

After that if you enable cache feature, yes some issue can be met. You can not cache all element such as a page form with field values always changing (such as token, often hidden field).


11 years ago
Level 2

So do you mean Seblod will only work properly when the global cache is off ?

51 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
It looks like no standard caching is possible in SEBLOD at the current time - I see my templates layout get mangled though see no one else reporting this issue....
4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3

is this joomla 2.5. or 3 that you are experiencing problems with? Asking as there have been some changes on j3 regarding component view caching
4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3

I made a fix for this problem http://www.seblod.com/resources/tracker/13082 , please test if it works for you and report any additional url parameters that you might find, that need to be included.
10 years ago
Level 1
Use http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/core-enhancements/performance/cache/17783 to bypass some cache issues.
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