8 years ago

Question to everyone:

What are from your experiences ways for achieving flexible content creation?

For example: Flexible blog posts using SEBLOD fields for images, text, column layouts etc.

SEBLOD content types and templates are great, but they allow only the creation of a kind of framework for the rest to fit within.

They are rather static and form like, giving the content publisher only so much to work with. Aside from Field X and Group X and conditional logic,
the layout is predefined and cannot be manipulated further in the Article Editor using SEBLOD fields.

Anything beyond, happens within the WYSIWYG editor, not making use of SEBLOD fields.

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4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

Copy an existing template and modify it so that layout will be driven by field values, this way user could select it's layout options, if that's what you had in mind by flexible?

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