55 Posts
Olek T.
9 years ago


Right now I have a content type that looks like this:


Intro image

Article text

Gallery (Image 1, Image 2... Image n) - managed by Field X.

But I'd like to change it to look like this:


Intro Image

Article part1

Images (0-50)

Article part 2

Images (0-50)


Article part n

Images (0-50)

A perfect solution would be to use Group X including text part and Field X for images, but I guess there is no such thing as Field X in Group X. Is there any workaround? Of course in theory a person creating the article could place images directly in editor, but believe me - it would not work in my case, not a chance.

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56 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1


that's right fieldx in groupx don't work.

But what's about blog layout? 

1.you create nArticles with:

   Article part n // Images (0-50)

   The first Article has also the field Intro Image

2. Every Article have the same category 

3. in Menu-link you set the display to block layout


178 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1


There is another workflow from me.

You can create two content types.

First CT will have those fields

Title and other common fields

List field from that pack


Second CT will have next fields

Title and other common fields


Article Part

Select dynamic field wich will list articles of first CT and as value will use their id.

Then you have to create List and Search Type wich will list items of second CT and you have put in search form select dynamic field from second CT and the live value of the field you can set as variable = id.

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