almost similar whet I'm going to achieve! also have the same idea with cats and parent tree, planned litters, advertisement board for kittens etc..
But more complicated with different users (as breeders)...but it is so complicated fore me at the moment. I spent more than month to build proper user registration form.
At the moment I stacked with question: "what I need and how can I implement this with seblod?". Basic idea was to generate joomla articles (in future may migrate/update together with Joomls)...but I see now, i can't simply do it using only Joomla native database..and creating a separate tables (as Randy might propose) it's really complicated without very good knowledge of JS+PHP...
Generally, functionality "breeder" scratch:
- user1 creates a cattery (with title, address, map, phone etc fields) as separate content type
- user1 add adult/kittens cats(boy/girl) ,probably, using one submission form (birthday, gender, breed, colour, hair type etc)
- another use (s) 2... do the same.
- user1 can choose cats from user2 (and other way round) and create an event like "cat wedding" with planned date, just married, event map.... to get a litter
- user2 should receive an invitation (maybe e-mail) and only after authorisation, user1 can select a cat from user2
- when "virtual wedding" happen, both can download a kind of contract with map, address, phone numbers, names etc
- on his page initiator sees a couple, wedding date as plan (kind of timelline) and also kind a expected results=kittens based on basic genetic XY etc
- when event occurs, he must be able to click on a "expected kitten" and create "result" as real kitten with photo, gender, etc (exactly the same content type as adult cats)
- if kittens are kind of "joint property", initiator can transfer a kitten to his partner user2
- both (after event is finished and kittens successfully added/transferred) should have possibility to set a kitten "for sale" on advertisement board with custom price
- user3 (just another usertype - "cat lover") can buy the kitten, the owner should transfer the ownership to a customer. He becomes a "breeder" usertype automatically
- user3 became an breeder only when he will buy a cat with opposite sex, so he creates automatically a cattery when he has couple.
- all users have their personal wallets. Money are not real and cannot be withdrawn....thus also userpoints system to be implemented
- user get coins from activities, making events etc and of course... buy
- should de developed system of charges as well, based on transfers
and many many other very interesting activities from cat breeder's real live incl.associations, clubs, events & exhibitions, food suppliers, shops, services ...
might be even worldwide subdomains...
therefore I started with seblod to build a kind of social network, where all administration is pre-defined and maintained at one website.
And at the moment I feel, it's not possible :) but nobody prohibits to dream...