548 Posts
10 years ago

Hi guys, 

always last joomla 3.3.1 and last Seblod 3.3.5. Following Randy's instructions (thanks to him) I made some tests (with just the standard User fields: Name / Username / Email / Password) and there are 3 things/issues that need investigations / clarifications.

So,"How to edit User Profile" from the User (owner) in the front end creating menu items for it (without bridge enabled):

Set up a Menu item

  1. Menu Type: Users Manager > Edit User Profile
  2. Access: Some Registered Access Level

Global Configuration
SEBLOD > Integration > Joomla User

  • Default Content Type: Your SEBLOD User Form
  • Profile Menu Item: Name of the Menuitem from 1.
  • Registration: YES
  • Edit Link: Always with SEBLOD

SEBLOD > Permissions > Some Registerd Access Level from 2 > Edit: inherited

SEBLOD > Permissions > Some Registerd Access Level from 2 > Edit Own: Allowed


  1. SEBLOD > Options > Integration > Joomla User > Profile Menu Item: Name of the Menuitem from 1. Seem that selecting the created menu item or not selecting (nothing) have the same result. Clicking on the Menu Item created in front end bring me on the Seblod edit profile page. Why ? What is the real rule of this setting ?
  2. SEBLOD > Options > Permissions > Registered (in my case) > Edit Own: Allowed. Seem that setting Allowed or leave it as Inherited have the same result: I can edit my own profile. Why ? Is it right ?
  3. Editing my profile in front end, when I click on "submit" button I have back the yellow message: COM_CCK_USERS_REGISTRATION_COMPLETE_ACTIVATE
    I checked and seem there is no the constant into Seblod Languages files. So: Are you sure "COM_CCK_USERS_REGISTRATION_COMPLETE_ACTIVATE" is the right constant ?
    • If yes: please, Can you add the constant in transifex ? In which .ini language file have to be added that constant ?
    • If no: I investigated and, if I'm right, seem that joomla uses - COM_USERS_PROFILE_SAVE_SUCCESS="Profile successfully saved" - COM_USERS_PROFILE_SAVE_FAILED="Profile could not be saved: %s" - for that work. Why not use for Seblod similar joomla costants like COM_CCK_USERS_PROFILE_SAVE_SUCCESS just adding "CCK" ? I think would be better/simple/clear for us on replacing Joomla with Seblod
    • Anyway: I think that the negative constant message COM_USERS_PROFILE_SAVE_FAILED is not needed because with Seblod we can set and do all check field per field, so only when you input all fields in the right way you can submit and save the modified profile. Am I right? So, maybe, if we don't want add more languages constants why not use the "standard" COM_CCK_SUCCESSFULLY_SAVED into com_cck.ini file instead the new and not necessary COM_CCK_USERS_REGISTRATION_COMPLETE_ACTIVATE constant ?

+ PPSS too important: In case I change my email Seblod doesn't send out the email with the confirmation link, Please, how to set it in case of editing profile ?

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4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

First of all - bridge is there for a reason, if you intend to work with user forms / profile in seblod you should enable it, without it you will be hitting problems.

Regarding your issues:

1. This should be confirmed by developers, but I would think this setting has effect when you have mutiple menus linking to com_users. So in case you have only one this would make no difference.

2. As far as I know Edit.own is set by default to allow in Joomla. You always have an option to Deny it.

3. Seems this is a missing constant as save and complete+activate are not the same thing. Please report it on the tracker.

548 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Hi Klas,

thanks, I checked and:

1. ok, waiting for confirmation.

2. As far as I see in "SEBLOD > Options > Permissions > Registered (in my case) > Edit Own" columns:

Select New Setting: Inherited - Calculated Setting: Not Allowed

Need to set "Edit Own: Allowed", and save, to see Calculated Setting: Allowed

Anyway, seem that setting Allowed or leave it as Inherited have the same result: I can edit my own profile. Why ? Is it right ?

3. ok, seem that on last Seblod the COM_CCK_USERS_REGISTRATION_COMPLETE_ACTIVATE constant

 has been replaced with COM_CCK_SUCCESSFULLY_SAVED constant into com_cck.ini file. Please, what do you mean with "save and complete+activate are not the same thing" ? Is it related to my point 4 ?

4. too important: In case I change my email Seblod doesn't send out the email with the confirmation link, Please, how to set it in case of editing profile ?

5. too important: during editing the field "User Password2" rule Required + Validation (confirm - user_password) do not run. I can enter a different value from User Password field and click save!

Seem that all the Required + Validation tooltips are not shown!

Also the Minlenght password value can be avoided (by default is set to 6, for example I can enter a password of 5 letters)!

4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1


2. This permission is set in form permissions, so to set it to Not allowed or Inherited (same result) you need to go to User content type->Orange arrow on right side->Permissions

3.  What I meant is that user saving is not the same thing as user registration and activation, but I guess saving is indeed more appropriate for profile save.If this string has been replaced then everything is ok now I presume?

4. and 5. please report this on the tracker, if this is what you experience this are bugs

548 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Hi Klas, so:

2. I have to leave "SEBLOD > Options > Permissions > Registered (in my case) > Edit Own: Inherit = Not Allowed", because the rule is overwritten in "SEBLOD > Form & Content Type > User (in my case) > Permissions > Registered (in my case) > Edit Own: Allowed and Edit Own (related conent): Allowed">. Am I right ?

3. Yes, as far as I know the string COM_CCK_SUCCESSFULLY_SAVED replaced the old one during editing.

4. and 5. I think these are too important "bugs", I'm surprised of them. This is why before to post on tracker I want ask you again, Do you have any suggestions? Maybe, Am I missing anything on configuration ?

548 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3

Hi guys, 

Please, I wait confirm from Seblod Team about:

4. and 5. I think these are too important "bugs", I'm surprised of them. This is why before to post on tracker I want ask you again, Do you have any suggestions? Maybe, Am I missing anything on configuration ?

Many Thanks for support

4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1


5. is certainly a bug, I can confirm it. 

But 4  is as in Joomla, verification is sent only first time. You should be able to change this by adding user status field (you need to check which user table column holds this data and what are its values) and attaching conditional to it so that it would change its value when email filed is changed, but it would be harder to do the reactivation part - send an email with correct link to reactivate account as this is done by joomla when user registers.

548 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Hi Klas, 

many thanks for suggestion, I'll test it in these days.

added this on Tracker, and as wrote there, I'll look for resend the activation link through AcyMailing...

548 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Hi Klas, 

I saw you confirmed in the Tracker that validations seem not to be run on edit profile.

Please, Will be fixed in next upcoming Seblod 3.4 release?

548 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2

Hi Klas,

I saw you confirmed in the Tracker that validations seem not to be run on edit profile.

Please, has been fixed in the latest 3.4.2 release?

4229 Posts
9 years ago
Level 3

Unfortunatelly no as far as I'm aware.

572 Posts
9 years ago
Level 4

Hi Joomleb,

I can confirm that this issue is not solved in SEBLOD 3.4.2 - you can always double check feature and bug updates in the changelogs. I can not give you a date that this will be fixed at this point, but we are aware of the issue and it will be fixed in the near future.


548 Posts
9 years ago
Level 5

Hi James, 

many thanks for update. Yes, I always check the changelog, but I asked because I noted Klas recently confirmed the bug on the tracker and thinking is an important fix I hoped to have it fixed :D

572 Posts
9 years ago
Level 6

Hi Joomleb,

I understand - it was worth checking :)

Is this the only outstanding issue relating to your initial post? If so, I would like to mark this as "solved" since the bug is on the tracker and on our list of things to do, and it will appear in the changelogs when it is fixed.

If you agree please let me know


52 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi joomleb,

You wrote:

5. too important: during editing the field "User Password2" rule Required + Validation (confirm - user_userpassword) do not run. I can enter a different value from User Password field and click save!

The standard field name ist not user_userpassword it's user_password.

The validation works for me.

I use in all my projects SEBLOD without the bridge.
It is not always easy, but with some tinkering it goes.



548 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2

Hy guys, 

Joomla 3.4.4 + Seblod 3.7.2 - The problem is still there.

Reading paulbr post (sorry for "user_userpassword", my mistake on writing it, yes I mean "user_password") I made more tests. Seem that Validation rules run (so if I enter different password in "Password" - "Confirm Password" the new password is not saved), but:

  1. the " * " for Requested fields disappears for "Password" - "Confirm Password" (not for the others fields)
  2. the Validation rules tooltip for fields disappears for "Password" - "Confirm Password" are not shown if the input field doesn't match (not for the others fields)
  3. Saving no messages appear to tell me "cannot save" (anyway if the two inputs for password are the same are not saved)
  4. the "Minlength" rule can be avoided (while during registration is running)
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