7 years ago

Hello there,

I created a content type based in article object. This content type has a huge site form and can be filled by two types of users:

Public unregistered users (partially);

Registered Users (totally)

My problem:

I need that this content type works like a profile to registered users, so they can access and edit it using a menu link. Is it possible using article object?

If it is too dificult to be achieved, I can split this content type in  two content types (one will be user type), but I would like to listen more experienced Seblod users to take a decision.

Thanks in advance

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4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

First you need to add hidden user_id field with live plugin set oto user>id to your content type. Then you can create a search type, that will search this content type by user_id with live value set the same as on form so that search will have only single result. In search type set auto redirection to Form, this should redirect your user to form for his profile.

7 years ago
Level 2

Thank you for your help Klas.

Your suggestion worked like a charm!

Just one more question. What is the correct strategy to work using article like a profile? Is it to create a blank form content type during user registration (in AfterStore) using this tutorial: create-content-dynamiclly-using-code? I just need to know if I go this way or if It does exist another better way.

Thanks in advance

4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 3

The recommended way is to activate user bridge and set your form as user form in Integration tab of the component options. But you need to use user object, not article object. User bridge creates additional record in the articles for better integration between Seblod and Joomla

7 years ago
Level 4

Hello Klas,

Ok, let me give you a little bit of context to let you help me to decide!

I  have a site working with jomsocial and using breezingforms to make registrations. I decided to migrate this site to seblod and keep using jomsocial.

In this site I have three types of users, with different profile information. In this context I have a registration form with basic fields and a redirection after submission to the chosen profile type form. 

So my doubt is:

If I use user bridge I would have to use a site form to three different types of users(with different fields to each one). I think it is possible using conditionals, but Wouldn´t It be a little confusing to maintain since there are required and not required fields to each type of user? All the fields would be in the same table creating a very big table (full of columns).

I am in the beginning of Seblod learning curve, so please correct me if I am wrong! 

Thanks in advance



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