6 Posts
6 years ago

Hello everyone

Please, I need your help

I have two forms that belong to the same application folder

Form A allows you to create the items and has text fields A1, A2 and A3 they were created with the open padlock

Form B has text fields B1 and B2 and allows sending an email to the person who created the item from form A,

I need to dynamically fill the field B1 with the contents of the A1 field belonging to the one who created the item

Can someone help me? Please.

A procedure to be followed to call the content of an A1 field belonging to a form A in another field B1 and belonging to another form B and corresponding to the data of the person who filled out the form A.


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1283 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1


There are many ways you can do this,  and depends how the user gets to the form B. 

My guess would be sql query for ‘live / 2’ to get required value based on some value (probably from $uri)

How does form B know which form A to use?

6 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1

Thank you M Bucklash for your answer
On the item created from form A, there is just a link that opens form B
Please, I am still young with seblod that I really appreciate, I do not know if it is the right step
I feel that both forms are completely independent.


1283 Posts
6 years ago
Level 2


You need to get funky with passing values to the uri / url ....

As an example....

  • I have a content view for a content type called INVOICE.
  • I have a button called "ADD RECEIPT" constructed from a free text field (so that I can create the link exactly how I wanted it)
  • Default Value for this free text field is " Add Receipt
  • Select view "2" AKA Link.
  • For the link I chose it to go to a form called "RECEIPT"
  • and selected the menu item to go to
  • You have to play around with the "Content Type" and "Menu Item" options to see the outcome and whether you like it or want it that way
  • I pass values to the $uri using "Custom Variables" section by sending values from my current form:

  • I then want to retrieve these values in my Receipt Form using Live Value
  • See the images below....


link to menu item and content type

pass value to uri


field to assign value from uri

live value from url variable

variable from url

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