7 years ago

Please whats this error Save failed with the following error: Duplicate entry '504-type-1' for key 'type_id_version i got it when i tried creating a user content form. please how do i fix it

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7 years ago
Level 2

I saw this solution earlier and it says I should delete the entry in the databae table.. I am not familiar with msql. Which entries am I to delete.. I have only set up 2 forms a user registration for and then an article content form which is giving me this issue.. and a list & search type which I have deleted and didn't find any table associated with it

1283 Posts
7 years ago
Level 3


In other post it referenced #__cck_core_versions.

That is the table, and then you need to look at the entries to see which one matches the values in your error message.

When you hava located the dodgy entry, you can highlight it and click the 'drop' or 'delete' button (drop is the keyword to remove entries)

7 years ago
Level 4

Thanks i located the database table and saw the entry with id as 504 i deleted the entry and tried again to save my form the error still showed up. above is a screenshot of my database #_cck_core_version

7 years ago
Level 5

Problem solved. when deleting the entry i only deleted the entry with the primary key id as 504 but now i deleted the entry with e_id and it worked

1283 Posts
7 years ago
Level 6


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