Different "Thank you" message for adding and editing? 67 PostsMario Adrian 9 years ago4TopicHellois there anyway to differentiate the "thank you" message when user is adding and user editing?example:if user is adding/creating new content = "Thank You for your submission"if user is editing content = "Data Saved" 67 PostsMario Adrian 9 years ago1Level 1Hello, anyone have solution for this? raz 9 years ago0Level 2HiI did it with this plugin;http://www.seblod.com/products/1854and this tutorial:http://www.seblod.com/resources/tutorials/changing-the-joomla-message-after-a-submission-of-a-seblod-formyou can create two filed for message with two access level: one for guest and one for registered Octopoos - Mehdi 9 years ago0Level 1Thank raz for your post. 51 Postsilga 9 years ago0Level 1Is there any solution without Code plugin?