98 Posts
11 years ago

Hi all

Currently, my form has the same message when user submits the form and when they edit it "SUCCESSFULLY SAVED". I was wondering if there is a way to get a different message when a user submits a form and a different one when they edit the same form.

Thank you

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12 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

I also have this doubt .. any help is welcome.
Thank you

98 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2


85 Posts
11 years ago
Level 3


It seems that we can't have a message for edit et save (first time posting), otherwise we can modify the message :) in config on the Form Site tab.


19 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
I also interested in this question
178 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
im in sore need of solution
98 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hello all. I have found a solution for the User content type. When the user registers, they get one message on screen. When they edit their profile, they get a different one. Not sure if its the only, easiest or best solution, but it seems to work for me. Maybe it can be adapted for when users submit and edit content.

Firstly, I open TemplateDetails.xml and add two module positions (like "profile-creation" and "profile-edited"). You could install a "module in content" or similar plugin and ensure it is published.

Secondly, I create a Custom HTML module, set access to Guest, and title to Successfully registered (whatever you desire). I write in text box what I want guest to see after they submit the form (e.g. Thank you. Your account was created successfully. Please check your email to activate your account). Or whatever you desire. Publish this module to position "profile-creation" (or write down module id if using a plugin). I then duplicate the Custom HTML module, change title to something like "Profile edited successfully" and set access to Registered. Publish this module to position "profile-edited" (or write down module id if using plugin).

Thirdly, create a Joomla! article. If you have created the two positions on the TemplateDetails.xml file of your main template, then u simply write {loadposition profile-edited}. If you are using a plugin, then follow the instructions of that plugin.

Create a single article menu item and link it to the article u just created.

In your User content type, redirect to the menu item created above.

Now when a user registers they see one message. When they edit their profile, they see another. I hope this helps. If you have an easier or better solution, please share with us.

178 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
Hi. Thank you for the solution. 
Maybe developers can say some words!?
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