10 years ago
Hi all,

i have a question and i dont find the answer.
I have spend a lot of hours to create a costum Edit user Form where the user can change his data and that not in the standard joomla user edit form.

I have search in google about a machting post but i have found nothing.
Maybe I am on the wrong way. But now, i need help for - what is to do.

This ist the current situation:

I have create a sebold user registation form. In this registration form are only sebold fields. A lot of this field link in the joomla user table.
I would like to create a edit form where the user change his own data records

Have anybody the answer of my question?

Thanks very much for help.

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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi Axt,

Have you seen this how to edit a user profile?

If there are certain fields that you want to have the user edit after they have registered, then you need to make sure that they have the correct Access settings.  With a menu item you can create a link to the user profile.

Hope that helps,


10 years ago
Level 2
Thank you very much!

I have read this post before i had create this topic.
BUT, i am sooo stupid -.-

I tried with a joomla User and in the configuration was set the edit link "auto"
as expected I have get the joomla edit form.

Last but not least

Thank you Randy.

548 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
Hi Randy. 

an explanation on "How to edit User Profile" from the User (owner) in the front end, creating menu items for it, would be too appreciate :)
I'm not able to find the right way to have it works.

Also, I'm not able to understand the work of "Profile Menu Item" selector...

Many Thanks for help
693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3
Hi joomleb,

Here is how I have done it:

Set up a Menu item

  1. Menu Type: Users Manager > Edit User Profile
  2. Access: Some Registered Access Level

Global Configuration

SEBLOD > Integration > Joomla User
  • Default Content Type: Your SEBLOD User Form
  • Profile Menu Item: Name of the Menuitem from 1.
  • Registration: YES
  • Edit Link: Always with SEBLOD
SEBLOD > Permissions> Some Registerd Access Level from 2
  • Edit: Allowed
  • Edit Own: Allowed

So the trick is probably making sure that the correct rights are set up for editing..

Hope that helps,


548 Posts
10 years ago
Level 4
Hi Randy, 
as always in first of all many thanks for your suggestion! Then, I'm crazying!... I Followed your instructions step by step more than one time to be sure, and I'm sure all is set up as you kindly suggested:
  • When I'm logged as a Registered user and click on the "Edit User Profile" Menu item created I have back the right Seblod prefilled (with User data) Registration form as I modified = Ok
    - "Profile Menu Item: Name of the Menuitem from 1": I tested also selecting another menu item and seem that has no effect, nothing change, still working well as before! (logically clicking on the "Edit User Profile" Menu item) = BUG ?
  • But, when I'm logged as Super User and I click on the "Edit User Profile" Menu item created I have back the Joomla Edit Profile, instead to have back the Seblod prefilled (with User data) Registration form as I modified ! = BUG ?
    - I tested also changing the Super User permissions FROM inherited = Calculated Setting 2: Allowed (Super User) TO allowed
Please, What am I missing ? (If you want credentials I have a test site)
  • Why do you say me to set: SEBLOD > Permissions> Registerd > Edit: Allowed ? <-- if I set it meaning "edit all" ! Of course I don't want that everyone can edit anyone's profile with the right link... - Anyway, I tested also with this permission left as "Inherit" and all seem to work. Please, Can you confirm it ?

PS How to have a "Profile" menu item that show me the Profile fields as modified ?
Do I have to use the Seblod "List and Search Type Manager"? 
Please, Can you give me any suggestions ?
693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 5
Hi Joomleb,

Regarding the Original Super User Profile: The way I understand it, is that when you try and edit the Super User - Its always going to go back to the original Joomla profile form because that was even before SEBLOD.  All of the users after SEBLOD installation, will all be using your new user profile form. 

Hope that helps,


548 Posts
10 years ago
Level 6
Hi Randy, 
interesting, I had not thought about that! Thanks
Infact, i tested right now and I can avoid this issue assigning the Super User also to the Registered User Group! :)
If you haven't other tips, maybe this can be the solution.

And please, what about:
  • Why do you say me to set: SEBLOD > Permissions> Registerd > Edit: Allowed ? <-- if I set it meaning "edit all" ! Of course I don't want that everyone can edit anyone's profile with the right link... - Anyway, I tested also with this permission left as "Inherit" and all seem to work. Please, Can you confirm it ?
  • Always speaking about "without Bridge" set - How to have a "Profile" menu item (not an "Edit Profile") that show me the Profile fields ?
    Do I have to use the Seblod "List and Search Type Manager"? Do you have any suggestions ?
693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 7
Hi joomleb,

SEBLOD > Permissions> Registerd > Inherit should be good

For the ability to present a user profile to other users, you can use the List & Search types. You can use 2 search types for this, one to list all of the users - Table type, second search type to list user detail which is activated from a link set to List & Search on the first list - Blog Type.

Hope that helps

10 years ago
Level 1

Hi guys,

I am new to seblod which seems impressive το me and i followed exactly your advice to create my custom user type.

It works ok with one exception. When i edit the user password all the password validation tests are bypassed by the system? Is it a bug since i found a similar topic in seblod 2 forum

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