10 years ago

I talked about it in another thread but I guess it should be moved into a specific topic.

The main question here is when will Seblod support content versionning which is a major feature of Joomla 3.x ?

A lot of efforts in Joomla 3.2 has been put into proposing an API to allow not only the standard article versionning but also third party contents.

With seblod which is natural extension of the #__content we would find almost natural Seblod 3.x proposes the content versionnig.

Can we have a realistic release date for it please ? Since this is something in the core of Seblod this is not something we can add ourselves.

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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi cyril,

I was looking into this earlier, and when you go into a content type from the article manager, there is a version button along the top. There are also version fields. What other features are you thinking?


10 years ago
Level 1
Hi Randy

Actually we would need to get what you wrote. I don't see what you mean by "version fields " but we need

1- to see the list of all the versions for this content
2-to get a preview of each version: of course, this can't be a preview of the page because of the overall template but a preview of the content. I created a TRACKER for JOOMLA 3.x (#33439) because the current Joomla 3.2 preview button doesn't parse the introtext and we need it to use the CCK plugins. We don't want to see the raw introtext.
3-to activate one of the content versions

Currently with Joomla 3.2 and Seblod 3.3.x the version is only incremented if you modify the native joomla fields (text, introtext...) which ruins the versioning with full seblod contents that has special fields. Moreover the preview only displays the raw introtext.


693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi Cyril,

If you look in the Content Type Workshop Manager, there are fields which could be added to your content type called Article Version & Article Version Note.  These are version fields in which was referring.  But they probably just show the information regarding the current article.

When you click on the version button in the Forms & Content Types you are presented with a list of versions.  I think you want this same functionality from a List & Search Type... is that correct?

Then have the ability to manage revs from a List & Search Type...


10 years ago
Level 1
Hi Randy

OF COURSE I don't speak about content types or lists versioning! This is a great seblod feature but that has nothing to do with joomla content versioning!

I don't talk about list revs either
From the begining I was talking about content versioning which is a major addition of Joomla 3.2  :)

Please re read my posts



693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi Cyril,

Sorry for the confusion, I was trying use the Content Type version lists as an Example of what you would Like to see from a List Type. Using that same basic concept but in your case, for the articles/content. The only thing missing from this Example is the ability to preview the Content Type. I think the Content Type Versioning makes a good illustration - it is listing all of the Revs!



10 years ago
Level 1
Hi Randy

Do you know Joomla 3.2 content versioning ? Please read my posts: What is required is the extension of the Joomla 3.2 article versioning to any seblod content. IS that clearer ?

The question is : when does Seblod team deliver it please ?



693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi Cyril,

Unfortunately there are no plans for development in the next few weeks.  So there is no set date for delivery.  But it is a topic of discussions.


10 years ago
Level 1
Thanks Randy for the update

That's very unfortunate since this is the first time Seblod is not ahead of Joomla :(

thanks anyway


148 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
+1 on Seblod content versioning. Any community-driven site that where the users collaborate on content creation will need this feature. Also, users often have "oops" moments where they may delete something accidentally and can't get it back without content versioning.
I will have to scrap an entire extensive prototype because I assumed the Joomla version history was extended to the Seblod fields. Shame on me for not testing it earlier - no I'll have to use a different CCK for Joomla, which is a bummer because Seblod is so great, flexible, etc.

Anyway, just wanted to voice support to this functionality.
10 years ago
Level 1
Content versioning is a key feature that is currently missing but that will be hopefully available. 

I don't think we need field versioning but at least content versioning which means each time we update one of the fields of the content it shoud generate a new content version. We should be able to get back to any previous content as a whole, not on the field level.

We , at Pulsar, are working either with Drupal and Joomla/seblod and my opinion is that Seblod is FAR more flexible and powerful than Drupal but the problem is elsewhere.

the real problem we have is the collection of holes between Joomla and Seblod just because Seblod is not part of Joomla. SEblod is according to us the best and major CCK (should I say application builder?) for Joomla but there are missing pieces such as 
  • batch processing
  • content versioning
  • finder sef routes integration (with content that don't have simple jooma menu)

I really prefer the seblod approach than the drupal one. With Drupal we have many UI windows to complete a task whereas with Seblod you work at a lower level but with a greater control. With Drupal either you do it on PHP or you have to find the right 'module' that does the job you are looking for. With Seblod everything has been modeled as field, forms and lists. This low level model allows you to build exactly what you need.

Seblod can be seen as 'a visual abstraction of the programming level' whereas Drupal is the "Windows of the CMS": you get drowned with collections of options without really understanding how it works.

But with Drupal the CCK is fully integrated into the CMS which is still not the case with Joomla / Seblod even if the gap is narrower now.

This is why batch processing, content versioning and finder sef urls compliance are a must that will help Joomla facing Drupal.

4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

I have a bit of a trouble understnading how your request for versions differs from what is already there - if you enable version after each save (by default it is created only if more than 180 minutes passed from last save) in seblod component option,  you will get versions button above editor after you create second version of the same item.
548 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
10 years ago
Level 1

How is it possible that you don't understand the difference between CONTENT VERSIONING (what we need) and CONTENT TYPE VERSIONING (what is already there)  ?

Randy got the same trouble a few days ago (see above). 


4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
I get the difference, Content versioning works fine for basic articles in seblod on J3, I just tried. So if article is used as storage for all fields this will work fine, what you probably mean is that it needs to be extended to other storages?
10 years ago
Level 3
Did you really try it?

just create a content type with custom fields. Edit it and update one of the custom fields: Joomla doesn't even know you modify it.

So content versioning doesn't work with custom content 


4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 4
It depends on the fields storage, if all fields use e.g. standard->article->introtex storage it will work fine as all data is stored in Joomla article. Trouble beggins as soon some field is using some other storage, so you are right, it wont work with default storage type that stores data in cck_store_form_nameofyourfield - content table versioning needs to be extended to other storages
10 years ago
Level 1
Thanks Klas

This is exactly why we need a full content versioning ! Seblod is interresting for non standard articles :) 


148 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
+1 on this functionality please ;-)
Is the Octopoos team considering it for a future release? Thank you so much, P
10 years ago
Level 1
seblod need to override content version, maybe a new content status or make a copy of the content type table for store content versions. 

example cck_form_events will have content version table cck_form_events_versions
148 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Octopoos team,
Can you please share whether this is on your roadmap? If not, what would it take to put it on there? I'd imagine there's a bunch of folks who'd gladly pool some money to get the dev started. This is the age of (content) crowdsourcing/collaboration but without a proper versioning the users can quickly get turned off (e.g. if someone else overrode what they just added yesterday and there is no way to review the history and restore older versions).
Anyway, I think this is one of the very few features Seblod lacks compared to other competing CCK's (Cobalt, Flexi). Once Seblod gets this, it'll crush the other guys, no doubt.

I am now on the verge or selecting a CCK for a project and versioning is a must. If this is on Seblod team's roadmap or there's a way to fund the dev, I'd like to learn about it. Even if it's to come within a few months, I'd be willing to bet on Seblod and add versioning later.

Thanks much, P
10 years ago
Level 1
Yes this is a major lack of Seblod since Even Joomla itself now includes article versioning!

There are a few major gaps between Joomla and Seblod such as:
There are also weird continuous bugs (such as css classes implementation on list fields)

Working with Drupal too, I can tell Seblod has numerous advantages over Drupal with its full integration model (form=content type and lists= searches) and its reusability (application folders) but these big lacks make the whole tool not as professional as it should be.

BUT we need to understand SEBLOD is free (or almost) so I think we CAN'T complain about something free!

I just can see only TWO solutions:
  • either Seblod becomes a product you pay for. in this case we may expect a better product
  • either Seblod remains free and shared (Github?) among a real dev community so that we stop complaining and work for it :)


10 years ago
Level 2
About routing you can do your routes, overrride seblod router.

content version addon library is in our roadmap, but most depend of our client requests.
9 years ago
Level 3


what's up about this functionality ? Is there some works around this need? 

What are the alternative ways to use Seblod with content versioning?

Thank's for providing Seblod to the community.


148 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Seblod team, where is this on the roadmap? Thank you

572 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2

Hi there,

This is part of the goal to work towards more of a stable Core of SEBLOD (lots of fixes towards this goal already implemented in the recent release of 3.6). As we have seen now with the recent success of the "Leave Nothing Behind" project, we as the community have the ability to organise, contribute funds and get features that we want. If there is a strong community need for it now, what I suggest is that we get organised and put together some funding to get it released. What do you think?



9 years ago
Level 3

Hi James

I already prepared an INDIGOGO campain about the seblod full versioning support one year ago... but never published it. It is ready to be launched if there is enough strong support


572 Posts
9 years ago
Level 4

Hi Cyril,

Who would implement the content versioning? You or Octopoos? What was the overall price? If Octopoos gave you a price a year ago, I think you should just double check with them that it's all accurate still.

I say, let's go for it! I will contribute :)


9 years ago
Level 5

Hello everyone

The INDIEGOGO campaign for the full content version control with SEBLOD has been launched HERE.

With a full content version control system with SEBLOD we would have a much more robust CMS for a richer user experience! 

  • Content version control will be available for any Content Types build on SEBLOD® (Content Types based on Article Object)
  • Choose to enable Content version control on content types of your choice
  • Available in frontend and backend
  • Based on the native Joomla! article control version system

We have 60 days to fill the 4500 € needed to add this fundamental new feature. 


9 years ago
Level 6


As we can see, the campaign doesn't seem to attract many people :( 

I still hope it will change but we now only have 45 days left



56 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

from me only 10 € :-S

But i hope this helps :-)


148 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

Any chance to revive this effort? I may be able to contribute decent funds from the non-profit org I support. I gotta say content versioning is the only thing that sets Seblod back compared to other non-Joomla and Joomla CCK's. But sets it back heavily because of that. Everything else just rocks about it. C'mon Seblod - you ready to pick up the gauntlet ;-)

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