164 Posts
9 years ago


is there a way to do Assignments (related to a menu) to a content-type, like you do it with a standard joomla modules?

Thanks for your answer

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154 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Have you tried making a Seblod module which is linked to a specific content type (form/list) and then assigning that module to specific pages?

164 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2

Hi WebOne,

thanks for your idea. I now this way and it is a good way for a lot of situations. In my case i need the content-type assigned to spezial menus. Anyway is not so important. 

I see assignments in the Content-Type setting, but there is setup possibility. Any idea

154 Posts
9 years ago
Level 3

Try this :

If your content-type is in category 'MYCATEGORY'

Then create a menu (possibly use a hidden menu) type eg. CATEGORY-BLOG pointing to 'MYCATEGORY'

You will see that all links etc going to content for that content-type then have the Itemid for this new menu item.

This is probably not the only way, but should work.

164 Posts
9 years ago
Level 4

Hi WebOne,

thanks for you quick answer and writing the workaround. This solution is maybe one way, but is in my case not useful.


154 Posts
9 years ago
Level 5

Remember you can always just create a new menu pointing to any seblod LIST or FORM content-type by way of the menu manager. I'm not clear on why you would need to assign a content type to a menu if you can just do it this way? (or what difference it would make - perhaps you can explain to make it clearer?) Thanks

164 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Hello WebOne,

you are right i explain it in a other way:

I m using one content-type over different menus. Some fields of the content-type should be hidden on some menus (without building up separate content-types for this).

154 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2

Some ideas :

You can set a live value override in the menu settings for the content-type (first create a no-storage text field possibly called 'menuvalue')  and then check the value of this field and take appropriate action to hide / display certain fields.

To check the value of the field use conditional states (Option 5) or the following plugin (which works across all fields so may be better) :


164 Posts
9 years ago
Level 3

Hello WebOne,

thanks. That is a good solution! Merci for you explanations.

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