10 years ago


I am displaying a list of items (actually just the item images) in a module. I have linked the images to "View" and added the class "modal", so that the whole item should display in a modal window when you click on an image in the list. Unfortunately, the modal window is empty, and I get this error report:

TypeError: Argument 1 of Node.contains does not implement interface Node.
Line 15

this.toggleOverlay(!0);this.fx.overlay.start(this.options.overlayOpacity);return this.reposition()},applyContent:function(a,b){if(this.isOpen||this.applyTimer)this.applyTimer=clearTimeout(this.applyTimer),this.hideContent(),a?(this.isLoading&&this.toggleLoading(!1),this.fireEvent("onUpdate",[this.content],20)):this.toggleLoading(!0),a&&(["string","array"].contains(typeOf(a))?this.content.set("html",a):a!==this.content&&this.content.contains(a)||this.content.adopt(a)),this.callChain(),this.isOpen?

I would be really happy if any of you could solve this for me :)

Best regards, Lois

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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi Lois,

Welcome to the SEBLOD forums.  Please take a moment to review the documentation in the Manuals section.It would also be helpful for you to be familiar with the SEBLOD storage methodology in this tutorial and videos.

Does your search type work if its just linked to a menu item?  Are you using any special templates?



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