92 Posts
3 years ago


The content is locked after modification and the changes are not saved in frontend office form only, when i use article edit button link from Joomla.

When I use an edit link created from seblod it's ok.

The back office form it works

I use Seblod 3.21.3 with Joomla 3.10. I tried with two templates without success.

Thank you for your help

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57 Posts
3 years ago
Level 1

Are several users working with the material at the same time?

92 Posts
3 years ago
Level 2

No, just one user changes the content.

21 Posts
3 years ago
Level 1

Hi, im the same issue, like Seb. With the new Update from Joomla 3.10.2 and

used Seblod 3.21.3


The content is locked after modification and the changes are not saved in frontend office form only, when i use article edit button link from Joomla.

When I use an edit link created from seblod it's ok.

The back office form it works

I use Seblod 3.21.3 with Joomla 3.10. I tried with two templates without success.

Thank you for your help <<

187 Posts
2 years ago
Level 1

I had the same problem.. I created a seblod edit button. But that one doesnt use the joomla rights management for categories. So people can edit articles outside their category. And when they do the category automagically changes to their category. I guess because they dont have the right to the original category. Thejooma edit button worked as intended.

Has anoybody an idea where the problem lies?



187 Posts
2 years ago
Level 2

Using de ACL package from SEBLOD shop seems to do the trick for my problems with the seblod edit button. No its not shown when they are reading other articles form other categories...

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