Hi rmacias
Note: As always, my disclaimer is that I am learning myself :)
Just to be clear, you are referring to latest-news-enhanced-extended?
Seblod Storage comes in three formats
Storage is set in the fields config modal box, at the bottom (see image: field-storage-01)
Standard, which would store id as: '4' (Use this 99% of the time)
Custom, which would store id as: '::id::0::/id::' (Seblod syntax, mostly used for FieldX and GroupX)
JSON, which would store id as: '{"id":"4"}' (Javascript Syntax, mostly used by dudes that know what they are doing! So that means not me!!)
Custom is how Seblod connects to Joomla, and in the #__content table you mainly see it used in the introtext column.
For the introtext column in the DB, Seblod stores introtext content AND fulltext content together.
The introtext field has config: Format / Object - Custom - Article - introtext[introtext]
The fulltext field has config: Format / Object - Custom - Article - introtext[fulltext]
Data in the introtext column of the #__content DB table looks like this:
::cck::6::/cck::<br />::introtext::<p>This is some funky intro text, oh yeah!</p>::/introtext::<br />::fulltext::<p>This is some damn good full text, mmm mmm!</p>::/fulltext::
3rd Party Extensions
If a you use a 3rd party extension and they pull data from the introtext column, then they HAVE to be able to pull enough characters to complete the Seblod syntax ie if you have it set to pull 50 characters then those 50 characters must be longer than the seblod syntax.
If you are pulling from a column that does not have that syntax then it is not a concern.
Module Options and Content Type Settings
Can you upload screenshots for:
Latest News Module settings
Your Content Types and in particular, screenshots for the config of the fields you want to display in ModuleRegards
Might be able to help if you do
Image: field-storage-01
Image: field-storage-02