45 Posts
7 years ago


I have a form with a custom field of dynamic list type that lists the sub categories of a seblod category to display only desired categories for clients (because I do not want to display all categories with the joomla category provided category In the fields) seblod. 

But by linking this form to a menu of the type joomla blog articles of a category it classifies the content generated by this form in uncategorised article and not in the wanted category? And yet I have specified parent_id = number of the id of the category in this field - A track ? Thank you

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4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

Your field needs to have the same storage as Article Category id field - Standard-Article-catid

131 Posts
5 years ago
Level 1

hi, in the form I used the dynaic field in query free, and aded this code SELECT title as text, id as value FROM #__categories WHERE created_user_id = $user->id AND parent_id=8

the final part you just change the number for the nomber of the principal category that contains those subcategories, the result for me it shows me only the subcategories created by the current logged in user, that belong to that parent category

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