13 Posts
9 years ago

I'm building an application of which i've made some fields, and using some Joomla fields. I can add some fields, but not others. I have Dock1,2,3, and 4

I can add 2,3, and 4 to the form. but not 1. If i take 2,3,4.

It also seems to only allow me to enter 12 fields, but i have another website on the same server with 30+ fields. So i don't believe it to be the max_input_var problem.

When I add the field over, and click save, it moves back over to the available fields side.

Any Ideas?

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4229 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1


first thing with such questions is alway - check your max_input_vars setting, it needs to be minimum 4000.

13 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2

well, i have another app on the same server, with 30+ fields. and runs fine. This one will only let me put 12.

572 Posts
9 years ago
Level 3

you could have local php.INI files though.

Can you please change the max_input_vars to 4000 and let us know if that fixes it please?

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