9 years ago


on a live site with J!2.5.24 and Seblod 3.3.4 I cannot save user group anymore when creating a new user or editing an existing one.

I have some custom fields in the standard user content type. They save fine.

But the user group value is not being saved to the DB.

I am using the standard jForm User Group field with default settings.

When I create a new user or click on a user name to edit, the user group does not get saved.

But when I tick the user in the user list and go to "Edit", I can set user group and it saves ok.

This means that the default Joomla user form is working but the seblo user content type form is not.

This started only recently and I can't figure out why.

I found an old thread in the V2 forum where people had the same issue.

Same behaviour in both Firefox and Chrome.

Please help. Thank you.

EDIT: I just updated to J! 2.5.27 and Seblod 3.4.3. But problem persists

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572 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Hi geeber,

I can't confirm if this is a bug or not, but in the past I have had some troubles with the User Group jForm. I would recommend creating a new field, using the dynamic checkbox or dynamic select field to re-create the user groups field, and just make the storage the same as the jForm field. That should do the trick on your SEBLOD forms.



9 years ago
Level 2

Hello James, great to have you here as an admin!

It would be great if I could find the reason why this is happening. Before it was working fine. I can't recall if this problem is related to an update. What I know for sure is that I neither  changed the field settings nor the content type setup.

I would only resort to your suggested workaround if there is no other solution. Maybe someone from Octopoos has an idea why this happens?


572 Posts
9 years ago
Level 3

Hi Geeber,

It could be an issue with the javascripts that some of the jForm fields use. I went back to my old site to see if this was the same issue that I had but it isn't, mind was different - and that issue has been resolved in SEBLOD core.

If you believe it to be a bug you should report it on the tracker where it can go through the proper process (before you do that, you should do a test on a fresh install of SEBLOD and Joomla) otherwise I'd say you're having some javascript issues potentially.

In any case, it should be fixed if you just re-create the select usergroup field using a SEBLOD field instead of using the jForm field. 

The Octopoos team are not available to discuss individual bugs like this on the community forums (wouldn't we much prefer that they spend their time building great new functionality?!). The path for something like this is through the bug-tracker.

Keep up your community involvement, we need more people like you sharing your knowledge and experience with others.


9 years ago
Level 4

Thanks for the hint with JS. I forgot to mention in my first post, that I checked for JS errors in the console and there are none.

I guess it will be hard to reproduce this on a fresh install because it used to work fine and just started making problems. Same as described in the old V2 thread by others. It sure will be tedious to find the cause for this. So I might just follow your advice and recreate the JForm field with a dynamic checkbox field.

Just for reference:

Another workaround I found to assign users to groups is the batch edit mode. In the user list you can check a user and then underneath the user table choose the group you want to add the user to, choose add to group and then execute.

Thank you for your kind words. As I mentioned in some other posts, I'm doing most of my new projects with processwire. But still use Joomla/Seblod where it is appropriate. So I won't be around here as much as before. But still trying to have a look in here every once in a while and see if I can help. The forum here is still a bit clumsy to use, especially when it comes to attaching media and integrating it into the post. Also the editor behaves strange in that you cannot add empty lines, they just get stripped out. If Octopoos could improve that it would be more fun to be involved here ;-)

121 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

Same issue on my site. Have you found any solution?

8 years ago
Level 1


How many user groups do you have in your Jooma database?

Can you please try with Jooma default user group form?


121 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

I've tried thousands of ways to get it work. Now I wanted to count my user groups and therefore I've reset everything - bam, it works!!

Just for reference for everyone else:

User group filed needs saving as "standard / user / groups".

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