10 years ago


in 3.3.2 version i was able to submit forms in frontend. Since 3.3.4, when i submit my form, i'm redirected on the same empty form without the message "successfully saved"... and nothing in saved.

I can submit forms in back end.

i have 2 differents forms and both are broken in front... I've tryed to submit in "author" user and with "super admin" user but nothing works.

I have changed the joomla folder name and also change the path name in configuration.php (to keep different versioning of my website). Until my version 3, all was working good and on my version 4 with the 3.3.4 SEBLOD, i can't submit forms in front :( i have also different database for each version and every database was correctly copy.

Any idee please?

Thank you.

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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi decaPeter,

I am assuming that this is all on the same server is that correct? Does it make any difference if you resave your Content Types?

Can you export any apps from both of your setups - if not do you get any errors?



10 years ago
Level 1

Hi Octopoos,

thank you for your help, my answers to your questions :

  • yes, it's all on the same server.
  • what do you mean by "resave" my content types?
  • yes, i can export my main apps from both setups without any errors.


693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Hi decaPeter,

Referring to the Content Types, I mean your Forms.  What fields are you using in your Forms?  Does this also happen in other browsers?  

Have you double checked the system requirements?



10 years ago
Level 1

Hi Octopoos,

my simple form use:

- title

- introtext

- category id (with hide default value)

- state (with hide default value)

- submit button

I've tested in Firefox and Chrome.

I have PHP 5.2.13 (minimum is 5.2)

:( so?

thank you Octopoos for your help.

4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

If you look at link Randy psote you will see this there:


So I'm afraid your php version is most likely the reason for this.

10 years ago
Level 1

ok Octopoos. If it's that, i will have to use another component. 

A better way would be displaying a message "BEFORE" installing the patch: "your PHP version isn't compatible with SEBLOD 3.2.4" 

If i was on a production website, it could be a big problem... 

Thanks for your help.

85 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Bonjour DecaPeter, 

il ne faut pas oublier que la version 3.3 de Joomla! oblige la même version de PHP lors de tes prochaines mises à jour.


A bientôt


10 years ago
Level 2

for information:

- i've delete all cck folder

- paste older version from backup

- result: it doesn't work too...

so i've uninstall SEBLOD... and use another component

10 years ago
Level 1

Bonjour Jpeg,

merci pour l'info, et sais-tu ce qu'il en est avec la 2.5? car perso j'utilise toujours les versions longue durée.

85 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Dans le lien que je t'ai donné ci-dessus, tu peux voir que la version 2.5 est toujours en php 5.2.4+.

Par contre OSM a changé sa Roadmap pour les LTS/STS de joomla! pour faire vite il n'existe plus de STS.

Joomla!3.3 est la version la plus stable de Joomla! jamais sortie, A partir de la version 3.3 et chaque version suivante (3.4, 3.5,... ) aura une durée de vie de 2ans, si je ne me trompe pas :)

lien vers la nouvelle Roadmap : http://developer.joomla.org/cms/roadmap.html

Au niveau Seblod : Si tu avais bien une sauvegarde de ton joomla (base de données + fichiers) c'est étrange que cela ne fonctionne pas !


10 years ago
Level 3

En effet, je comprend mieux les objectifs de Joomla pour 2015. Merci.

En ce qui concerne mon problème SEBLOD, depuis le début, SEBLOD est capricieux et se bloque si un champ est mal configuré ou autre détails du genre. C'est un outil génial mais beaucoup trop capricieux. Il faudrait intégrer un mode DEBUG ou un mode COMPATIBILITY qui permettrait de le faire fonctionner même si un champ ne marche pas ou si une valeur n'est pas compatible car c'est infernal à faire fonctionner. Du coup, je développe mes formulaires en PHP à la main et j'utilise JUMI pour publier mes pages. Ca marche nickel et fini les plantages qui proviennent d'on ne sait où...

10 years ago
Level 1

I have the same problem too, can't submit from frontend, while I can submit from administrator, it doesnt seem to be PHP problem because it submits from administrator, ....

Why this topic marked as solved, it is not solved yet...

please any help please

10 years ago
Level 1

I solved my problem, it was a module that make a jquery conflict with the submit button cause not saving, thats why it was saving from admin and not from frontend.

hope anyone facining same problem to benefit and take care from modules that use jquery


10 years ago
Level 2

you're right!! thanks, it was for me also a conflict with another jquery file! thanks !

but if i can't use another jquery file in my website, many features are disabled... 

actualy, my jquery file is the last file loaded in header. maybe have i to move it?

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