8 Posts
7 years ago


After trying some modules/components of Joomla, none wasn't ok for me or too expensive. So I looked on the web and founded Seblod. And it's very great and don't know how I never seen it before...

For my company, I'm creating a mini site for job listing and appliance for registered users. So I modified the "user" form with the fields I need and it works as I want. After, I created a form to publish jobs.

There is my first issue: can't find a way to have a button to delete a job or to publish/unpublish it. Only possible by the standard backend.

I also create a list to display the jobs with a dynamik link on the title to display the job (article). 

There is my second issue: can't replace the title (with the name of the list) to the job title. But this issue is out of this post.

On the job, I would like to have a button for the registered users to be able to apply on it. By this way, to be able to create a list to display to the managers: simple list: job - name of the candidate (with a link on the candidate to his profile)

Can you help me ?


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4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

Your questions are basic knolege that can be gianed by reading our Manuals and Tutorials sections, here are few examples

8 Posts
7 years ago
Level 2

Thank you for the links and I already looked on some before posting.

About the front-end, when I want to delete an article, I have "error. An error has occurred.". Already founded this issue posted 2 years ago and I don't know what to do now (https://www.seblod.com/community/forums/general-discussions/seblod-admin-menu-delete-button)

I seen the publish options in the back-end but I would like to limit the access of the back-end. That's why I would like to have it in the front-end. Is it possible ?

About my last question for a button to "apply" a job, I already looked on internet and I don't know how to do. The issue is not to publish a button but to create a list with the informations.


8 Posts
7 years ago
Level 3

So, I successfully made all I need... Except the "apply" button... Still don't know and not founded information how to do it. And don't know if it's possible...

Is it possible to have a button in a content view to "register" the registred username of the visitor and the article to be able to create a list ?

4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 4


apply button is just a submit button in save mode.

Not sure what you mean by the second question.

8 Posts
7 years ago
Level 5

That's what I though but I have this message on the front-end with the button: This task is not supported on the Content view.

The configuration of the button is "save & redirect".

For the second question is how to make a list with the article and registered username (the one who clicked on the button) ?

4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 6

You can save article in content view, there is no point in doing this, to edit and save article you need a form. For second question see attached tutorials - you just need a button link to a list where you show current users content

8 Posts
7 years ago
Level 7

No, it's not to edit article or to show to a user on what he clicked. It's to make a list for "super user" to know who clicked on the button and on which one.

It's to make a job board so the registered users can apply on jobs.

4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 8

That would  require some custom ajax javascript, so that each time button is pressed record is added to some table. I suggest you contact Seblod for a quote.

8 Posts
7 years ago
Level 9

Hi Klas,

I just sent them a message.

4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 10


there might be a different way to do what you want:

  • create new content type "Job apply" with hidden text fields job_id and user_id and visible Apply button on the form. Put live value URL variable > id on job_id field and User > id on the user_id field.
  • Add this form to your Job articles using Seblod form field or using form module.

After user clicks Apply button new record will be saved to "Job apply". Now you just need to create new search type that will list all "Job apply" records. To see job titles instead of ids in the list you can use either Joomla article field or Select dynamic field with query 

SELECT title as text, id as value FROM #__content

 in each case use exactly the same storage as on job_id field.

8 Posts
7 years ago
Level 11


I follow your explaination but in the frontend, I have "You are not allowed to access this resource.". Do I have to modify permission on the new content ?

4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 12

You need to give Create permission to the group that will be able to apply. Also you need to set view level to the right level, so that they will be able to see button at the first place.

8 Posts
7 years ago
Level 13

Well, maybe I'm dumb but with the form included in the article, I have this when I click on the button: "Error Registration failed: Please enter your name."

I tried to found a solution on the web but didn't.... For the user, I tried with the value you gave and also with username but still the same... :/

4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 14

You are probably using User fields in the form, you need to make new fields. User fields are from User content type which uses User object to store data while you need to use Article object.

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