11 years ago

My form contains an image field (image upload).
From the content screen I click the "edit article" icon in the joomla tools-ribbon below the article title (on top) to use the "form" to edit the record.
In that form, as long as the record contains an image (that was uploaded when creating the record) - the client throws an exception: "ReferenceError: JCck is not defined" (the submit button of the form ignores any click and the record can't be saved).
If the record has no actual image in it - all works fine.

Seblod 3.1.1

Get a Book for SEBLOD
11 years ago
Level 1


can you put differents screehshot of the content type (differentes view), because like that we can't say anything.

best regards.


11 years ago
Level 2

Thanks, Octopoos - Lionel.

How do I upload images here?


11 years ago
Level 3

In order to insert images here, this image must be hosted in some server and you can use services like http://minus.com to host your images and than, after, link it here.

11 years ago
Level 2

Thanks for the upload tip :)

The content edit view is available here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/9236709/Seblod/JCck%20Error/Content_edit.PNG

(it is right-to-left, but what matters is the image that was uploaded and the black button on the bottom). Clicking on that "submit" button, the page remains intact, however, the following error is thrown:


Thanks for any guidance!

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