10 years ago

Hello SEBLOD team and everyone,

I am under the strong impression, that with SEBLOD updates,
the standard content types and other object types are not updated.
This was confirmed in another thread by Klas from Octopoos



This makes sense if you assume, that SEBLOD users modify them
instead of replicating them and making customizations in the replica.
However, I don't think this is the correct approach.

It was suggested, that these content types were comparable to Joomla sample content.
That is true, in a sense - yet they are not really sample articles but an integral part of the standard functionality provided with SEBLOD.
If it was just sample articles created with the SEBLOD content types, I would agree.

So, I would like to open this topic for discussion in the community.


My position is:
- If you tweak SEBLOD source files instead of overriding, you lose everything with an update.
Same with content types provided with SEBLOD. It's just about setting expectations right, so users know,
they have to duplicate content types for customization.

- Joomla updates change the appearance and functionality of the standard article manager and editor as well,
so I'm fine with any improvements that come with SEBLOD updates, as well.


In fact, I'd be glad to benefit from any future improvement with a simple update,
without having to go the tedious way of installing a new Joomla system with SEBLOD
only to extract the content types from there, as proposed by Klas.

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