7 years ago


My configuration:

JOOMLA 3.6.5
SEBLOD 3.10.0
Hébergeur SiteGround

If you want try by yourself I created an user test account :

Id : test

Password : 0123456789

My website

In the menus “LES AVIS” and “LE BLOG” I put articles list with link to content on article title. The access level are :

List “LES AVIS” and “LE BLOG” : public access

Content « LES AVIS » : register access

Content « LE BLOG » : public access

When I am logged as super user everything is OK for access to content view. When I am not logged (as guest) no problem for access to content view in the menu “LE BLOG”. When I am logged as register user the problem begin…

In the list “LES AVIS” and “LE BLOG” when I click on title link for access to content view I am not redirect to content view but to home page and I am automatically logged out. I don’t know why because I have the same access level between super user and user.

Have you an idée? I check all the access level in global configuration and on each content type, all is good.


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4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1


I don't think this has much to do with Seblod - there is something wrongly configured either in viewlevels/acess levels or there is a problem with joomla sessions, even if you don't have access you should't be logged out. Do you have any system or use plugins installed that migh interfere with joomla/seblod?

7 years ago
Level 1

The last plugin I installed is jHackGuard. That come from it ?

I also think there is somethong wrong with joomla confirguaration, I updated the last version of joomla but nothing has changed.

4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 2

That is a likely suspect. If it is not the one try temporary disabling any plugin you have installed one by one, until you find the one that is causing problems. Also try if it works if you use Joomla default template.

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