9 years ago


This is my first message here, so first of all I wanted to thank you for this great component. I discovered it recently and started using it on several sites already.

On one of these sites I just noticed that if the characters 'or (with the apostrophe) are in the fulltext or the introtext, the field just empties when I save the article.

A similar problem has been described here : https://www.seblod.com/community/forums/forms-content-types/article-fulltext-empties-on-save

(I didn't understand everything in that topic, but it doesn't seem to apply to my case).

I tried a couple of things :

-I have the problem with both JCE and Tiny MCE

-If I write something in both WYSIWYG editors, only the one containing 'or is emptied

-If I put a space between ' and or it doesn't work either. But if I write something in between, it works.

-I don't have the problem if I write something like 'and

-I don't have the problem in a standard Joomla article (that's why I guess the problem has to do with Seblod)

-I don't have that problem on another website using Seblod

-I compared the fields on those sites and they look identical.

I hope someone can understand what's happening.


Get a Book for SEBLOD
9 years ago
Level 1


No one has a clue ? Well I will try uninstalling and resintalling Seblod maybe.

1283 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2


The question might be beyond te scope of this forum. This is for the community and it isn't very active. Upgrading membership will get you the response you are after.  

9 years ago
Level 1

Hi Yann,

About the website with the issue, is it using the same hosting where other websites without this issue are working or is it on another hosting?


9 years ago
Level 2


Thank you both for your replies. I wasn't aware of the membership options. I would consider it if I start using SEBLOD for more complicated things, but I'm working on this website for free and it's quite expensive for an individual.

About the hosting :

Les deux sites sont chez le même hébergeur. En fait ce sont deux sous-domaines dans un même hébergement mutualisé.

J'ai pensé qu'il y avait peut-être un problème de compatibilité avec une autre extension, donc j'ai réinstallé joomla en local et j'ai installé mes extensions une par une en testant à chaque fois. Cette fois je n'ai pas de problème. Je n'ai pas réinstallé toutes les extensions parce que je ne vais pas toutes les utiliser.

Je vais utiliser ce site à partir de maintenant (je n'avais pas encore fait grand chose de toute façon), donc je n'ai plus de problème, mais j'imagine que pour vous ce serait utile de comprendre ce qui s'est passé. Je n'y connais pas grand chose mais on dirait que ça un rapport avec le SQL, donc ça pourrait poser des problèmes de sécurité. Je me suis dit que ça avait peut-être un rapport avec l'extension Jhackguard que je n'ai pas sur l'autre site.

9 years ago
Level 1

Thanks Yann.

Please stay on english language when you start an english post or add english and french.

Yann is no more able to replicate the issue on a clean install.



9 years ago
Level 2

Oh sorry, I thought it made sense to reply to you in french. Is it better if I write in english or french as a general rule ?

To sum up my message both sites are on the same hosting.

I made a clean joomla install and added my extensions one by one without replicating the problem. I'm gonna use this from now on.

Even though it is ok for me now, it looks like it has to do with SQL so you may want to investigate that further in case it could cause security issues. It may have something to do with the extension Jhackguard which I don't have on the other site.

Get a Book for SEBLOD